Maybe Obama can send OJ out to find the Dallas sniper’s “real” motive

Given what we know about the Dallas sniper, it’s clear to most of us what his motive was in shooting and killing five officers.  As Mary noted, not only did he tell the police negotiator that he wanted to kill “white people, especially white police officers,” but he was also inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and had a long history of not respecting authority.  He was also noted to have gone “all Black Panther” and to have been hording bomb-making materials and an assortment of weapons, presumably for some future plans he may have had.

Nonetheless, one prominent progressive with a history of promoting the Black Lives Matter movement is completely confused by and uncertain about the sniper’s motives.


The Weekly Standard has the transcript:

President Obama said at a Saturday press conference in Poland that it is “very hard to untangle the motives” of the shooter in Dallas who killed five police officers Thursday evening.”First of all, I think it’s very hard to untangle the motivers of this shooter,” said Obama. “I’ll leave that to psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents…I think the danger is that we somehow suggest the act of a troubled individuals speaks to some larger political statement across the country.”


It’s also very difficult to determine why someone with a bomb strapped to his chest, shouting Allahu Akbar, and having just pledged allegiance to ISIS would shoot unarmed people in a nightclub.

Tags: Dallas Shooting, obama