Lesson from Munich: Even strict German gun laws didn’t stop shooter

Munich shooter in progress

After every mass shooting, even those clearly terror related, Obama and Democrats leap at the chance to push for anti-Second Amendment legislation that will disarm the innocent and the law-abiding. From calls for gun control “action” to executive orders to “a day of action” for gun control, we consistently hear about the need for strict gun control from the left.

Watch Obama:

Indeed, mass shootings and terror attacks needn’t be limited to our shores for the left to leap on a mass shooting or terror attack to push for gun control in America.  After the Paris attacks, progressives called for more gun control . . . even as the Jesse Hughes, front man for the Eagles of Death Metal that was performing at the Bataclan at the time of the terror attack there, asks a pertinent question:  “Did your French gun control stop a single [expletive] person from dying at the Bataclan?”

We know, and it’s probably also well known to Obama and Democrats, that gun bans and laws do not prevent criminals and terrorists from getting guns because, by definition, they ignore the law.

The recent mass shooting in Munich, Germany, illustrates this poignantly.

Germany, a country whose gun laws are among the most strict in the Western world, is struggling to explain how their strict gun laws didn’t stop the Munich shooter.

The Washington Post reports:

Germany has some of the world’s strictest gun laws. But that did not stop Friday’s Munich attacker — an 18-year old dual Iranian-German national — from carrying out his shooting spree.The assailant most likely obtained his pistol illegally and did not have a license, German police officials said Saturday. That development could have worrisome implications for a country that has already exhausted most legal means to prevent such shooting sprees.

WaPo continues:

Germany has a good system of legal gun ownership, but illegal firearms pose a big problem,” said Nils Duquet, a weapons expert in Belgium who works for the Flemish Peace Institute. According to Duquet, there are millions of illegal weapons in Europe, but he said it is impossible to know exactly how many.

Explaining the latest laws limiting legal gun sales and ownership in Germany, WaPo notes that, somehow and unexpectedly, illegal guns are hard to track.

Go figure.

Following two horrifying school shootings in 2002 and 2009, German lawmakers passed stricter gun legislation that made it harder to legally obtain weapons. Buyers younger than 25 must now pass a psychological exam before being able to acquire firearms in Germany. Shooting incidents significantly dropped as a consequence.Theoretically, those measures might also have stopped the 18-year-old Munich attacker from being able to buy a gun legally. Officials believe the suspect could have been depressed, and a video — which police have said appears authentic — shows the attacker saying he had gone through “inpatient treatment.”

Adding to the problem of criminals (inexplicably!) still seeking gun ownership under some of the strictest gun laws in Europe is the fact that there is a hierarchy of illegal access to guns.

Duquet also emphasized that the attacker’s use of a pistol was significant. “If you want to buy an illegal gun in Europe, what’s important is having the right networks. For assault rifles, you need better criminal connections,” said Duquet. “But there are many hot spots in Europe where you can try, and that is what’s worrying.”The possibility that the 18-year-old acquired his pistol illegally will raise new concerns over the illegal-weapons trade not only in Germany.Among several other factors, the borderless Schengen Area within the European Union and Europe’s proximity to current or former war zones have facilitated illegal-weapons transports into the continent.

The bottom line is the same: overly restrictive gun laws do nothing but make law-abiding citizens unarmed sitting ducks ripe for mass murder by criminals and terrorists who care nothing about the law.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Germany, Terrorism