Colion Noir on How Not to Fix Inner City Gun Violence

Following the now famous “sit in” occupation of Congress, Democrats continued their demands for greater gun control with “Day of Action” protests.

Roll Call reported:

‘Day of Action’ on Gun ViolenceWhen Rep. Elijah E. Cummings saw two young black men in wheelchairs, he wanted to know more.”Was it a disease, what happened?” he asked.Both said they’d been shot. And both said they were involved in robberies.Cummings recounted the conversation at a “Day of Action for Gun Violence Prevention”on the steps of the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore.”Ladies and gentlemen, at some point we have to say ‘enough is enough,’” Cummings said. “We really do.”Democrats across the country on Wednesday held dozens of similar events to show that their sit-in on the house floor last week was just the beginning of their amplified call for the House to vote on gun control measures.House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., and the National Rifle Association were criticized at the Baltimore event for opposing legislative efforts to keep guns away from terrorists and tighten background checks.The revived Democratic push for new gun laws was propelled by the June 12 mass shooting in Orlando. But those at the rally also emphasized daily gun violence that tears up America’s urban landscape. Baltimore, for instance, experienced a startling surge in violence last year that ended with a city record 344 homicides. Most gun victims were young black men.“Guns don’t die, people die,” said Rep. John Sarbanes, who attended the event with fellow Maryland Democrats Chris Van Hollen and Dutch Ruppersberger.

Colion Noir is an official commentator for NRA News and he has a few thoughts about all this. In the video below, Noir points to Chicago, home of some of the nation’s strictest gun laws and reminds us of the city’s extraordinary homicide rate.

Noir suggests that existing laws are being ignored when it comes to prosecuting violent gang members while noting the hypocrisy and futility of further restricting guns for law abiding people.

Watch the whole thing:

It’s a shame that more people don’t know about Colion Noir and his work. When it comes to guns, he’s a voice of common sense in the wilderness.

See more of his videos here.

Featured image courtesy of the NRA.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, NRA