Bernie Supporters Walk Out of DNC

After Hillary Clinton was declared the official nominee of the Democratic Party, hoards of Bernie Sanders supporters walked out of the convention hall.

Why? Well, she can explain:

The DNC, a melodrama in real life:

TIME reported:

When the Bernie Sanders hopes of winning the Democratic nomination officially ended inside of the Democratic Convention hall Tuesday, his most ardent supporters took their fury outside.Sanders delegates and supporters from across the U.S.—California, Wyoming, Utah, you name it—walked out of the arena in protest. “Show me what Democracy looks like,” they chanted, hoisting Bernie signs above the sea of heads heading toward the exit. “This is what democracy looks like.” As the crowd shuffled along, a woman in a red dress said aloud, “They just signed the whole nomination over to Trump.”In the end, Sanders was the one to make a motion to give the nomination to Clinton, after spending weeks telling his supporters to vote for her. But the emotions of many of his delegates were raw. They were convinced the fires of revolution they’d sparked had been doused by the powers that be in the Democratic Party—a feeling that was stoked by the release of 20,000 hacked DNC emails.“He made a commitment to run for president. He had made a commitment to contest this convention. He hadn’t conceded. He hadn’t suspended. He hadn’t released us. And he told us that he would be grateful for our vote” said Jim Boydston, a delegate from California. “And then he just handed it off.”Standing outside of the arena in a light blue Sanders shirt embellished with pins and a “Veterans for Bernie” sticker, Boydston wondered aloud over why Sanders had just decided to “torpedo” the movement. Others also made clear that they no longer felt required to follow Sanders lead.

Party unity! And stuff.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, DNC, Hillary Clinton