Prof. Jacobson – Tel Aviv, June 9 – ‘Israel on US campuses: What’s really going on?’

I’m leaving for Israel for almost two weeks.

On June 9, I’ll be speaking to the Israel Cornell Club. Hopefully I also can see some Legal Insurrection readers there — it’s open. BUT, you need to register (HERE) since seating is limited.

It’s being held in the David Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv, which is the house once occupied by …. (please, don’t make me tell you).

As with my travels in 2013 and 2015, I’ll post when I can on interesting places and people I meet.

As before, I expect to report on the human side — the victims of the Arab terror campaigns past and present.

This time, though, I’ll also have to do some more touristy things than I normally do because I’m traveling with one of my daughters — so I guess I’ll have to float in the Dead Sea again.

For those of you who want to follow along, the rough itinerary is:

June 4-7 – Jerusalem and environs.
June 8 – Dead Sea, Masada, Jericho
June 9 – Samaria, then Tel Aviv for event
June 10-11 – Tel Aviv
June 12-14 – Northern Israel, Golan Heights, Lebanese border communities.
June 15 – Return

Each day there also will be a Video of the Day in the sidebar relevant to some aspect of my trip.

Please kids, behave while I’m away.

Tags: Israel Trip 2016