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Legal Insurrection Semi-Annual Fundraiser

Legal Insurrection Semi-Annual Fundraiser

Stayin’ Alive.

(This post will be “sticky” for a while.)

It’s that time of year when we ask readers to help keep us doing what we do.

Reader donations and other help (e.g., using our Amazon link) are extremely important to us. We’ve discussed before that we don’t use the most obtrusive but best paying ads (e.g. pop-ups, pop-unders, pop-overs) in order not to ruin the reader experience, which makes reader support even more important.

For those of you who are relatively new here, our 7th Anniversary post has a pretty good history of how Legal Insurrection, the struggle, and my research focus have evolved. These past six months may have been the strangest part of this long, strange trip. Trump’s candidacy blew up a lot of things, including relationships and the comment section.

But I’m happy to say we weathered the storm quite well. Our traffic has remained very strong and somewhat on the upswing after the primaries effectively ended. We’re expanding content and really, truly going to roll out the “Quick Take” section now that I have the time and emotional strength for it (it’s been ready since February).

You can donate using the Donate buttons below, or in the sidebar. Monthly subscriptions are particularly helpful.


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Alternatively, you can mail a check payable to WAJ Media LLC, 757 Warren Road, Unit 4762, Ithaca, NY 14852.


There’s only so much Amazon will let me say about this under its Terms of Service.

If you Shop, please use our links in the sidebar or click here.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Mark Finkelstein | June 20, 2016 at 9:19 am

I read your 7th Anniversary Post, and see that, writing just one month before Obama was elected in 2008, you were eerily prophetic about him:

“Obama may be a post-racial healer, or he may be someone who carefully uses race and false accusations of racism to advance his political career. Obama may not have known about Jeremiah Wright’s political race-baiting, or he may have known but not cared. Obama may be someone who views this country as inherently good, or he may secretly share the views of his political enabler, William Ayers, that this country is inherently bad. We may know Obama better than Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers know Obama, or we may not know Obama at all.”

You got it Professor! Donation on the way.
Thanks for doing what you do here.
We can no longer trust the MSM liberal news outlets.
They have simply become the propaganda arm of the Obama administration.

Char Char Binks | June 20, 2016 at 4:18 pm

I never grow tired of lovely Rita, but I cannot bear that Bee Gees abomination.

The Friendly Grizzly | June 20, 2016 at 9:33 pm

Thank you.

Great site Professor!

Would it work to access Amazon through your site and then bookmark Amazon? Then anyone who goes to Amazon through the bookmark on that computer will be supporting your site.

inspectorudy | June 22, 2016 at 11:07 pm

A monthly donation on the way. I love the dubbing of Rita et al and the Bee Gee’s. It makes me smile to see the different generations folded into one. Thanks Prof

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