Gallup Poll: Satisfaction Under Obama Is Lowest Since Carter

Last week, I noticed the elite media actually looking under the hood at the real “new jobs” numbers for the first time in over 7 years.

Now, Gallup has released a poll confirming the fears that many of us had in 2008: Obama was the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

According to Gallup, Americans’ satisfaction levels with the way things are going in the U.S. are low and President Obama will be leaving office with a lower overall satisfaction average of any president since Jimmy Carter.Only 29% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. according to the Gallup poll conducted during the first week of June.The Gallup poll asked, “In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time?”Americans’ satisfaction has averaged only 24% across the 89 months of the Obama administration to date. The low satisfaction levels of recent years means that Obama will be leaving office with an overall satisfaction average of 24% for his presidency so far. Obama’s numbers are lower than the average measured across the term of any president since Jimmy Carter.The Obama administration’s numbers are far below the 37% overall average since Gallup began measuring in 1979. Gallup has only three measures of satisfaction taken during the Carter administration, all in 1979, and they average 19%.

Equally of interest is the fact Donald Trump tops Hillary in another Gallup poll of who is “the jobs president” by a wide margin.

In the latest proof that Republican Donald Trump has tapped into the concerns of the working class, Gallup reports Friday that he beats Democrat Hillary Clinton on the issue of jobs.When Americans were asked who would be the best president on jobs and employment, Trump topped Clinton 52 percent to 45 percent in the latest Gallup survey.And Gallup editor Frank Newport said that Trump did even better on the question of who would be best for the economy. He wrote that Trump is doing favored because he is more focused on creating jobs.

Interestingly, Trump is using Obama’s own words about Hillary Clinton in a new campaign ad:

Obama, I think, is going to be surprised that Donald Trump isn’t going to roll over like Mitt Romney or John McCain did during their respective campaigns.

Meanwhile, Obama’s final year is proceeding as I expected, in terms of penning as many America-harming agenda items as possible, as well as enjoying “working trips” involving golf, photo-ops, and dictators. The latest Gallup poll may actually be Obama’s high water-mark for this year, as he plumbs the Marianas trenches of satisfaction at the conclusion of this term (222 days from now).

Frankly, given the many disasters we have already covered, I can’t believe satisfaction is even this high!

Tags: Gallup Poll, Jimmy Carter, President Obama


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