San Diego Braces for Friday’s Trump Rally

This Friday, I had planned to take my teen son to the Donald Trump rally at our Convention Center.

I am now mulling over a change of plans, due to the level of organized leftist violence that has targeted the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and his campaign.

The anger, derision, and chaos directed at Trump supporters and the security teams at the event in Albuquerque was absolutely astounding. Four arrests have been made (with more likely to occur soon), and the city cleaning crews are still mopping destruction left in the wake of Wednesday night’s protests.

The progressives targeted both humans and animals in their fury:

Some of the protesters got unruly, causing damage and clashing with police. Fights broke out on the streets, rioters clashed with law enforcement.At one point, rocks, a barrier and water bottles were thrown at police horses.APD says its horses went to the vet Wednesday to be checked out after getting pummeled. They were all cleared by the vet and will be back in service Wednesday night. The nine riders who were on the horses last night suffered minor injuries.According to APD, every police officer that responded to the violent protest was hit with rocks or debris. Six officers suffered significant injuries to the face, nose, arms and legs after being pummeled with fist-sized rocks. They were treated by rescue personnel on scene.

I thought progressives preferred horses to humans! Perhaps these were not the right kind of horses?

In Anaheim, the security had already been enhanced…based on the riot that occurred in the wake of Trump’s Costa Mesa rally last month.

And while the leftist agitators were well-contained, they did manage to start a dumpster fire and several protesters were arrested.

After Trump departed, a small group of protesters remained in the area, ignoring orders by police to disperse. One trash can was set on fire, some protesters threw rocks, and large throngs of police were trying to push the remaining demonstrators away.At least seven adults and one juvenile were arrested over the course of the day — with many taken into custody after police declared unlawful assembly.”You can’t arrest all of us,” one woman shouted. Another group of anti-Trump demonstrators continued to linger, yelling, “Mexico! Mexico!”

Trump has paid for and permitted these events. Therefore, when the “protesters” storm into his event, they are no longer engaging in “free speech” but in disruption and thuggery. Even so, Trump handles the interruptions during his address with humor and aplomb, as shown in this video of his Albuquerque appearance (hat-tip Lorraine Yapps Cohen).

San Diego officials are already gearing up for Friday. Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman said, “For anyone who comes to disrupt, to do illegal activities, we will take swift and decisive action to make sure we have a peaceful event.”

The pre-planning is appreciated, because our local gangs of progressives are already organizing a rather warm reception for the GOP’s likely presidential pick: SmashTrump San Diego Anti-Trump Rally.

Frank Gormlie, one of the organizers who use to set-up counter-events to our Tea Party rallies, is promoting this demonstration:

…There’s at least six different networks or groups mobilizing their supporters to show Trump that San Diegans will not stand for him. The groups range from Republicans, Democrats, to anarchists, and social justice veterans, to the Unión del Barrio and border activists. These groups will all have their own tactics, displaying a diversity of opposition to Trump. And then there’s the janitors – hundreds of them will be demonstrating and marching through downtown….So, it’s gonna be a wild and crazy time in downtown San Diego on Friday. Wouldn’t miss it.

Having an opportunity to see a presidential candidate in person is a historic event, and I wouldn’t want to miss it, either. My son has been especially excited, as he is out of school that day and this is the first election he has been following closely.

When I asked what he thought about the developments and if we should still go, Blake said:

They are acting like terrorists. They are using fear to try and stop people from doing and thinking what they want. We shouldn’t let them change what we are doing.

So, at this point, it looks like we are boarding the Trump Train for an excursion to downtown San Diego.

Tags: Donald Trump