It Matters that Trump is a Sore Loser
Another one of those “Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.” moments

Remember when Ted Cruz (or Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush, or any other Republican) lost a primary and accused his opponent of criminal election activity, and then hid from the media on election night?
Neither do I.
You get out there on election night, congratulate the other side and give a speech to rally for the next battle. Or at least you don’t act like a two-year old brat who just had a half-finished candy bar taken away.
Last night Donald Trump acted like the two-year old. For the first time in his adult life he was speechless and camera-shy after getting crushed in the Wisconsin primary.
No graceful concession speeches there.
Instead Trump issued a vitriolic, bizarre statement (emphasis added):
Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump. We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.
Trump’s most influential supporters also are claiming election fraud.
Does it matter?
You betcha.
Repeatedly in this campaign we have seen Trump become unhinged when challenged. You saw it in the way he went after Heidi Cruz.
Heidi, by the way, looked marvelous last night.
The attack on Heidi may have been a turning point in the primary. It disgusted even die-hard fans like Ann Coulter (though not enough to shake her support for Trump), and Trump said he regretted it — but only when the political damage became clear.
Trump attacked Heidi in a fit of anger. Just like he accused Ted of criminal conduct in a fit of anger last night.
I’ve said it before — “Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.”
Unfortunately, I can.
And I don’t want to wake up every morning wondering if our President is mad at us. Eight years of that is enough.

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Trump has now accused Cruz of election fraud in Iowa, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, Maine, Utah, and now Wisconsin.
Trump has a profound personality order.
Trump also accused Rubio of election fraud in Florida before the voting even began. As that day went on, we found out that to Team Trump, “election fraud” means “Democrat voters going to the polls and finding out that they can’t vote in the CLOSED Republican primary.”
a Democrat by any other name is still a Democrat.
and socialist.
All the other candidates are in denial about the invasion of foreigners. That disqualifies them all.
Cruz is only acceptable because after he saw Trump getting mileage off of it, he picked it up.
I always thought he was the smart one.
…and here you are repeating that lie.
Cruz was IN FRONT, when Der Donald was supporting the Gang Of Eight and meeting with Dreamers.
What is it with you and the incivility?!? Are you a narcissist, too? Spoiled? Stamping your feet????!!!!
The Professor claimed he was tired of the vicious remarks in the comments section and said he had mostly quit reading them. I don’t blame him!!!!!
You are still a bitter, bitter man. And a narcissist bully!!!
I think your effete efforts at shutupery are sweet, Petunia.
You don’t get to lie with impunity. It isn’t “uncivil” to call you on your lies when you lie.
Or, if you think it is, you need to find a place where the doilies are un-rumpled on the tea table.
That ain’t here.
I see. You really can’t help yourself. It’s settled. You either have a career as a bar bouncer, or you aspire to such a career.
I’m sorry you had a traumatic childhood, and can’t be civil while disagreeing. If we had met in person, I’m sure you’d be civil. People like you are typically atrocious only when they can maintain anonymity.
This is a distinct problem with the net.
You said something about a “smear” of “disgusting slime”.
You certainly typify what you falsely accuse me of doing.
And you’re…typically…full of shit. I’m just as “atrocious” in person as I am here.
You are the cowardly little morally preening pig, as your posts below exhibit very clearly.
Cruz was saying the same things he says today back in 2009 – when Trump was a registered Democrat saying we can’t deport illegal immigrants.
Complete bullshit. Cruz wrote an op ed praising Obamatrade and fast track co-authored with Mr. Open Borders Paul Ryan. He wrote that WSJ op ed in the last 6 months.
Now the liar Ted Cruz pretends to be against these stupid trade deals.
But you stupidly and blindly claim he’s Mr. Consistent. In 2009 and 2013 he was talking about increasing h1b visas to 500,000 per year. In 2009 to today he never talked about building a real wall, a trump wall, 30ft high and 1000 miles long.
Cruz is a Bush neocon interventionist on foreign policy and if he should get the nomination by the time that happens he will be so indebted to the GOP establishment he will do ANYTHING they tell him to do. Especially on job killing obamatrade type deals, which he likes anyway, and on open borders and immigration. Cruz has already proclaimed he won’t round up and deport ANYONE.
Might as well support Kasich as Cruz, they are both GOPe all the way.
Another dump of your rote catechism of lies. It means nothing now. You are a known liar and tinkling brass.
When you can manage to tinkle…
If you want to talk about H1B visas, then perhaps it may be instructional to look at Trump’s statements on the matter..
His website claims that H1B visas are not for “highly skilled” people. (
The government disagrees saying that jobs that qualify for H1B visas must have a bachelor’s degree or work experience equivalent. ( )
So while people scream and yell support for Trump’s position on H1B visas, it is fundamentally wrong on the facts.
Trump also claimed that he would make it illegal to allow H1B visa holders to take / replace jobs held by Americans. People screamed support for that as well.
The problem is that it is already illegal for H1B visa holders to be hired to replace Americans in jobs.
Trump is wrong on the law both times.
It makes one wonder whether Trump supporters are ignorant themselves, or just support Trump’s ignorance.
I cannot fathom the idea of “Ignorance Makes America Great,” but seems to be the appeal of Trump.
Ragspierre AI insult engine responds with nonsense and childish name calling when confronted with inconvenient truths and facts. His next response will be equally fact free and incivil.
“Trump also claimed that he would make it illegal to allow H1B visa holders to take / replace jobs held by Americans. People screamed support for that as well.
The problem is that it is already illegal for H1B visa holders to be hired to replace Americans in jobs. ”
The real problem is that the law is so full of loopholes that it doesn’t work. Trump wants to make the law you quote the law that actually works in practice. Just ask the Disney workers that were forced to train their foreign replacements. To get around the law all you have to do is use a dummy employee leasing firm staffed with foreign workers and fire all your american workers and replace them with foreign workers brought in to be their replacements through a dummy employee leasing company.
Obamatrade which Cruz supports makes this kind of thing 100 times worse by providing no limits to “consultants” and foreign workers for foreign companies that may come into the country and take jobs from Americans.
There is plenty of ignorance alright in the public regarding the issues. If you want to see some of it. Look in a mirror.
Evidence is wasted on you, Gary. You can’t read the proof or watch the videos from 2011 of Cruz saying he’s for walls along with everything else to secure the border with your tongue so thoroughly wedged up Trump’s sphincter.
Enjoy the view.
This is from Cruz’s run for the Senate. Notice Cruz doesn’t bat an eye when the moderators talk about the “fence.” In fact, it clearly appears that they are using the phrase “wall” and “fence” interchangeably. Back then, wall meant fence.
And this is from the Cruz for President issues section
“I will fulfill the promise Congress made to the American people almost 10 years ago by completing all 700 miles of priority fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, and dedicate the resources necessary to replace all single-layer fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border to build a fence that keeps people out and that is technology-supported and law enforcement-accessible.”
“The real problem is that the law is so full of loopholes that it doesn’t work.”
Except of course that Disney is being sued by the workers and under investigation for what happened.
“Trump wants to make the law you quote the law that actually works in practice. ”
How can he make sure the law works when he doesn’t understand it? How can he talk about “untrained workers with H1B visas” and then talk about the Disney case in which skilled workers were replaced?
“There is plenty of ignorance alright in the public regarding the issues.”
I agree. Your statements and that of Trump demonstrate that ignorance. It is one thing to support a candidate based on some standard. It is another thing to support a candidate based on false statements the candidate makes.
“If you want to see some of it. Look in a mirror.”
Why? I wouldn’t see you or Trump there. That is where the ignorance in this conversation is.
Is it your contention that Trump was correct in his assertion that H1B visas are for “low skilled” workers?
If you answer yes, then you are ignorant. If you answer no, then you simply being an apologist for Trump’s ignorance.
Before the election even held: Ted Cruz attempting to steal delegates in
New York!
LOL. You got me. Did not see that coming. That was hilarious.
Yep. You’re an idiot…
There you are AGAIN.
It was a joke. A joke.
In the political world, grace in the face of defeat, whether temporary or long-lasting, is the act of a statesman. As we’ve seen in both Obama and Trump, statesmanship is sorely lacking. And in Obama’s case, quite telling in actually leadership. I would assume like-wise in Trump’s case, as well.
Oh, knock off the kid stuff.
If voters were even slightly interested in electing Mr. Politenessman, Jeb would be the candidate already.
Get used to it; for good or ill, there are no men of style or grace running this time around. And no amount of whining about such an obvious fact will make one magically appear. But cheer up; they all outclass Lyndon Johnson, and the US managed to survive him … well, more or less.
Bye Felicia.
Straw man: Nobody is saying politeness is a primary factor voters look at.
Trumpy apologetics: ‘Trump is no worse than all these other politicians with no style or grace!’ ‘LBJ was even worse!’
Are you sure you want to identify Trump as being no better than any other politician? You’re not in sales, are you?
Thank you, Tom Swift.
You know what Tom? We all grew up knowing a bully like Trump and I don’t want to have him as my president. He has the opposite of most of the qualities that I would like in a candidate. Maybe he did stir up things but so does turd in a punch bowl. No thanks!
It’s in the news again today. More crimes – deaths- at the hands of illegal aliens in America. Not to mention rapes, et cetera.
But those American lives are just “turds” to you?
Okay. Got it.
How in God’s name did you get that from what Inspectorudy wrote? If you’re going to constantly strawman*, or if you’re somehow too ignorant to grasp a simple post, you probably need to learn to get treated roughly in an online comment community.
*(FYI for Trump supporters – A ‘strawman argument’ is when you take what a perceived opponent has said, something for which you have no counter-argument, and change it into something different that you then counter. Since the opponent never said what you are countering, you are essentially arguing with yourself and, unsurprisingly, losing anyway).
It is obvious how I ended up there, sir. And if you had a dead child from an illegal alien, it would be more than obvious to you also.
From what we know about Donald Trump, if any efforts he makes to fulfill his promises on immigration are defeated, he will insult his opponents and move on. He just needs a rhetoric fig leaf to blame his misfortunes on.
This assumes that he will even bother to pretend fidelity to his campaign promises in the primary. Not a safe assumption.
Cruz has a much better track record of consistent loyalty to national sovereignty, and he doesn’t propose “magic” or illiberal solutions to bridge the reality gap.
So if you really care about Americans being victimized by illegal aliens, then you’ll be better served by Cruz than Trump.
Trump has already signalled that he has one set of positions and principles for the primary and another set for the general, should he win the nomination. Do we suppose he moves to the right or the left for the general?
I suspect he sprints to the left should he win the nomination.
Dear Immolate:
I hear what you are saying, but I found the WAPO article (believe it was WAPO) referenced by BB yesterday, very interesting. Turns out, Ivanka Trump is working on the D.C. post office development (into a hotel), and a restaurant has pulled out because of the immigration comments made by Mr. Trump. So, Ivanka, according to the story, gave her Dad several drafts of apologies for him to consider making, in the hope that the restaurant would honor their agreement. Her father refused, and again, according to the story, a lawsuit has been filed in an effort to get the restaurant to honor its commitment.
So, I’d say, that is a good sign.
Dear CloseTheFed:
Do you honestly believe that an apology not given spontaneously is worth the paper it is printed on? Donald Trump does not even understand what a civil conversation in a polite society is all about – so why would anyone accept his apology that he himself would never give anyway.
Shorter Tom Swift: Make America Great Again by electing the Biggest A$$hole in the race!
America may not want to elect Mr. Politeness but they also will never elect Trumpy the insult clown. They don’t want some shock jock embarrassing them by representing the country abroad.
Actually, Tom, most voters in Wisconsin were more than slightly interested in what you hallucinate Americans aren’t even slightly interested in. According to the exit polls they just find him too vile and odious to be President.
Especially the women. How do you think Trump’s campaign staff should address the fact that 70% of women despise Trump? Slap them around and knock some sense into them?
Trump is about two tweets away from losing this primary entirely because he’s, Trump.
I have said repeatedly, that come Election Day, I will vote for Donald Trump over either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
That, for me, is a no brainer.
However, I don’t think Donald Trump is the best we can do. I understand and share the frustration that millions of Americans feel regarding the GOPe, but Donald Trump does not, IMO, truly represent Conservative values.
And then there’s the tantrums.
And the narcissism.
Can’t we do better than that?
I think we can.
We only get to pick among those that run.
I would have preferred Santorum, but he didn’t go anywhere. It was profoundly unfair that it wasn’t considered his turn as usual in the GOP, but there you go. He was ignored, essentially.
I’ve said repeatedly, that I cannot in good conscience vote for Donald J. Trump. If it comes down to Trump vs. Hillary or Trump vs. Bernie in November, I intend to give the 2016 Presidential election all the dignity and class it deserves.
I’m writing in Homer Simpson.
I think you should think about the people you don’t know, and I don’t know, who will die if a democrat is elected president.
Obamacare continues? Who can’t afford to see the doctor because of deductibles and dies prematurely? Foreign adventures like Libya, what 7 year olds will be raped by muslim “refugees” in Europe because of destablised governments? No border wall? How many more Americans will be killed and raped by illegal aliens who think Americans are prey?
Voting for Homer Simpson would be an immoral vote.
From where I sit, Donald Trump would be an immoral vote. So would Sanders or Clinton.
What do you do when every option before you is equally immoral?
Dear Archer:
I think you do the best you can under the circumstances. There is no practical way for one person to alter who the candidates are, or their standing. If there is, you should engage in it.
If you accept these are the candidates, I would compare them closely. Sanders is a socialist. He’s proud of it. What do we know about socialism? It makes who you know the arbiter of what you get in life, and everyone else is at the mercy of the government.
So Sanders is a negative.
Clinton is, well, Clinton. You can count her accomplishments on one hand, and you can count her disasters only with thousands of hands. Her misadventures as secretary of state, again, destabilizing Libya, et cetera, et cetera, not only caused the entirely unnecessary deaths of 4 Americans, but has also exacerbated the refugee situation. She is an utter and total failure in government. I would also say this, for all the caterwauling about Trump, he treats his people well. Clinton has a 25 or 30 year history of treating the “help” extraordinarily badly. Read any of the state trooper accounts or the secret service accounts, of how she behaves towards them. That is a lady with a personality/character problem.
Clinton is the biggest negative of all of them. She is personally poison.
Trump, well, at least he loves America. Will he oscillate? Yes. In one of his books, he discusses being unpredictable, and he’s said it on the trail, so that opponents don’t know what to expect and it keeps them off balance. In charge of the I.R.S.? Okay, he knows what it’s like to be audited every year. He’s run a huge business with thousands of employees, and as far as I know, none of them have died due to his negligence, and most of them seem happy to work for him. I would say the proof is in that pudding. Is he perfect? No, of course not. But one thing to remember: Trump has done this without advisors. Advisors would have toned him down alot, and we would have gotten RomneyII, milquetoast. All of these people have a lot of flaws we never see, because they are packaged very carefully. Trump doesn’t package. You know a lot more about him than all the others.
Trump loves America; he understands islam is a problem; he understands Americans need a decent income; and he’s got all the right enemies.
Trump is a mixed bag, but the other choices are obviously much much worse.
As for Cruz, Cruz would be okay. He loves America but doesn’t have that gut instinct that she needs borders and that foreigners are not an unalloyed blessing. So America may slow, but continue her decline, compared to Trump.
I am half considering writing in my name ….
/s (not sure if it is sarcasm or not)
Kewl. If you start a party, can I join it? And will you make the rules simple so that the opportunities for melarky are minimal?
Actually, it would be better if we have a sore loser who wins (not necessarily Trump), than another “good loser” like McCain and Romney.
The concern is that the juvenile behaviors habitually exhibited by Trump are not consistent with good leadership. They are, however, common in authoritarians up to and including actual dictators. It is not enough to win an election. That is not and should not be a goal of any candidate or any political party. Winning is not the end, it is the beginning, a way-stop towards the goal. The goal is good leadership and good governance.
I envision a political cartoon wherein a President Trump is standing amidst the smoking rubble of Washington DC, yelling to the skies, “Not fair! Putin cheated! It’s against the rules not to get my approval before sending the nukes! I’m gonna sue! I’m gonna sue!”
Smoking rubble of Washington DC? Wow, then maybe Trump is the man after all…
Yeah, I was gonna go with ‘East Coast’, but that didn’t help either.
Bob Dole called. He’s upset & offended you didn’t include him in your “good loser” list.
Maybe, with any luck, the events of the last few weeks have taken all the fun out of the narcissistic side of this bizarre campaign by Der Donald.
Up until recently, it was going pretty much his way. Now, not so much. And it’s telling. Last night was simply a debacle, and it was pure narcissistic reaction to a rejection/defeat.
The man is a danger to the republic. He should NEVER be allowed in any office where he controls ANY level of government.
I find it hard to understand the vitriol against Trump and the childish sneers. The Cruz supporters (which he’s my number 2), can’t wait to smear the most disgusting slime, while the Trump supporters here have been civil.
So, if you dislike it so much in Trump, why do you engage in it yourself? Hypocrisy, thy name is Ragspierre, a bitter, bitter man.
You don’t even know the definition of “hypocrisy”, and you sure have your depiction of my T-rump critiques bass-ackwards.
You’re also full of shit. Observing Der Donald is a narcissist is not a “smear” of “disgusting slime”.
I was referring to what you say about Trump’s supporters, not Mr. Trump himself.
You just can’t stop with the foul language. Are you a bouncer in a bar?
For the record, and to highlight your lies, I’ll remind people here that I DO NOT lump all T-rump supporters in the same category, and I HAVE disagreed with other posters who tarred with too broad a brush.
There ARE some T-rump sucking cultists who post here who have my profound contempt. They have earned it completely. You are working yourself into that select group.
Most other T-rump supporters vary widely in their intensity and reasons for supporting the poor, damaged, Collectivist thug that he is. Some are pitifully like Obama voters, who are completely involved in the celebrity of The Man From WrestleMania. Others are duped by Der Donald’s posturing as a “conservative”, and typically know nothing about real economics or civics.
We could go on, but the point is made.
“I find it hard to understand the vitriol against Trump and the childish sneers.”
I think it’s mostly a response to various Trump supporters and their rhetoric.
Perhaps, but from what I’ve seen on this site, the Cruz supporters are the vitriolic ones, and the Trump supporters are more polite.
Varies from site to site. I also wonder if the Cruz supporters are just more blunt.
“while the Trump supporters here have been civil”
As good an example of willful ignorance as you’ll ever see.
I have to say that the tone of many of Ragspierre’s comments is not what I care for, although I almost always agree with him on policy. However, saying that the Trump supporters here have been “civil” is a gross overstatement. Some have, but a lot of them have equalled Ragspierre’s language and more. If you think they’ve all been “civil” you haven’t been reading.
Dear Tarheel Kate:
Thank you. Maybe I’ve been too busy to read. I thought I had been, but maybe I’ve missed more than I realized.
Also, last night was NOT a debacle. Cruz won by 13. That’s decisive but not a debacle. Everyone has it in their head the initial numbers that only represented about 23% when it was called, when Cruz was winning by 20.
He didn’t win by 20 – that would have been a landslide.
Facts matter.
Last night was CERTAINLY a debacle, and the vote count was only a catalyst.
The DEBACLE was the T-rumpian behavior AT the result of being rejected by the voters.
IMHO the debacle was the response of Trump …
Instead Trump issued a vitriolic, bizarre statement (emphasis added):
Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump. We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.
IMHO this is the debacle part … the mask slips a little more.
Heh. It was enough of a debacle to set the lying hump off on one of the worst tantrums he’s displayed thus far on this long, strange campaign trip. In fact, the hump was so debacleized that he wouldn’t crawl out from under his rock and make his own statement. This is THE first time we have seen him avoid media cameras, which tells us that his defeat in this race that he thought he had a lock on winning just a few weeks ago was a devastating humiliation. That, of course, is what inspired his astonishingly un-statesman-like, borderline psychotic, irrational written response.
We assume Trump wouldn’t appear, but it could be that he *couldn’t* appear, wasn’t physically or mentally up to it after his landslide loss in WI.
Yes, that was my point, only you stated it more clearly.
Another thought I have is that possibly the hump didn’t trust himself to appear in public for fear of what he might say. In other words, perhaps he knows the limitations of his precarious sanity.
Trump isn’t a politician. So he wrote something a politician wouldn’t write. That doesn’t make him psychotic.
My gosh, the man has endured many trials and tribulations in his private life and in business – and they’e been played out in public. To say such a thing about him is on its face preposterous!
No, Trump wrote precisely something a politician would write. Politicians, like Trump, can also be deranged idiots.
That’s why politicians hire professional speechwriters, so they don’t come across like deranged idiots.
Trump apparently writes most of his own speeches, and all his own tweets. His campaign doesn’t hire professional speechwriters, though (so I guess what little copy he doesn’t write himself he farms out to his golf course landscapers).
Maybe he should copy a page out of the other deranged idiots’ playbooks.
Trump voters are sick and tired of playing the faux “presidential” game, tying our hands behind our back all the time to appease a wrong conception of what voters want (meanwhile the Democrats do whatever they want and win all the time).
The Republican Party cares more about social signalling, than it does about voters or issues. They would gladly surrender on issues if it socially signaled that they were good people according to standards set by democrats.
So, yesterday Drudge carried a piece about how Singer’s group of Democrat donors raising money for Republicans (but also a greater sum for Democrats) is going to demand that GOP delegates, the same hack GOP delegates that #NeverTrump is stealing from Trump, implement support for gay marriage on the party platform.
That’s how religious liberty dies in the USA. Corrupt, improperly installed, bought delegates act as slaves to their paymaster for the psychic reward of a pat on the head by the Democrats. They get to signal that although they are always sexist/racist/bigots they aren’t as bad as the other guys. And with neither political party supporting religious liberty, it dies a quiet death.
draft a sternly worded letter to Mr Jefferson…
Please explain why ‘horsesh*t’ is more polite and civil than ‘horseshit’. Does cursing not count if one places an * within?
I do the same thing. Not because it’s more polite. Just that this is the only site I visit that doesn’t have a filter that place my comment in moderation if I spell the word out.
For me it’s best not to break the habit that keeps my comments out of moderation on other sites.
Ya know, I often read your bullshit and wonder where in the world you come up with this.
A bunch of political contributors CAN attempt to move a party platform any number of different ways.
They won’t, necessarily. No matter how much money they throw at their desired end. Just look at how much money has been spent in this election cycle by big donors, and how little it’s influenced things to this point.
And NOBODY is “stealing” a flucking thing from poor Der Donald. HE’S LOSING, fair and square.
Here’s a pro-tip…DO NOT hold your breath waiting to see support for “gay marriage” on a GOP platform. You’ll die badly.
Due to his uncanny resemblance to a professional informercial pitch man, I will call Donald Trump “Slap Chop” from now on.
Slap Chop got mad and took it out on his girlfriend, the media and the voters. Nothing new here. What a baby.
I tend to agree that Kasich is siphoning Trump votes. I hope Bernie defects to run as a third party.
He is siphoning Trump votes. But some polls say he’s siphoning more anti-Trump votes, most of which would go to Cruz at this point, some because they’re closer to Cruz, some because they’d have nowhere else to go.
I’d rather see Ted getting those votes, but as long as the hump isn’t getting them, it’s not as bad as it could be. Kasich has a better chance of siphoning votes from the hump in the NE and northern seaboard, which is where we’re headed next.
Trump committed a serious blunder in Wisconsin by criticizing Scott Walker and the Walker reforms simply because Walker didn’t support Trump. Those reforms were hard earned and Trump’s unwarranted criticisms weren’t appreciated. He showed the voters who he is and the voters responded accordingly.
Ah, remember…ONE of Mr. Establishment’s chief critiques of Walker was that he didn’t raise taxes.
It was a pure Deemocrat talking-point that T-rump just aped out of pique.
Far more important than that Walker’s reforms were hard-earned is the fact that they worked. Trump, who sells himself as a conservative reformer, bad-mouthed the most successful conservative reforms in recent history. This offended Wisconsin conservatives and confused his own supporters. Further, I mean. Confused his supporters further.
I love Walker. Love him! But he supports sanctuary cities.
Luckily, he fired that Maier (sp?) girl, that tweeted that awful photo of Mrs. Cruz.
1. Walker is not running for president.
2. Walker did not fire Liz Mair.
3. Ted Cruz did not fire Liz Mair.
0 fer 3, dude.
You’re wrong. She worked on his short campaign last year when Walker was running for president. She criticized Iowans and he fired her.
Sorry. I thought you meant Cruz fired her for sending the tweet. I’m sort of stuck with how you write a thing. No harm, no foul.
She resigned.
And I don’t want to wake up every morning wondering if our President is mad at us.
New meme idea: Photo of a SWAT team, weapons drawn, advancing toward the camera. Caption says, “Yo Trump! U mad, bro?”
But, Trump would be comedy gold as president–that is, if he doesn’t go all vindictive, thin-skinned, tyrannical despot on the comedians.
For this very reason, I suspect that among Trump’s biggest donors are the cast and crew of Saturday Night Live.
“Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS etcetera?” Jacobsen has GOT to be kidding. We don’t have to “imagine” the Democrats in control of IRS etcetera. We are already seeing them weaponize every arm of government against us, which is USURPATION. This is how a republic turns into a dictatorship, and the good professor voices purely speculative concerns about Trump possibly turning out to be such a monstrous criminal without mentioning that the people he would be running against in the general election have already demonstrated this republic-ending level of criminality. The big evidence against him? That he seeks to deligitimize Cruz’ win (gee, why would a candidate want to do that, with a string of primaries still to come). Plus he tweaked Cruz about who had a prettier wife. This is called an “attack on Cruz’ wife.” That Cruz himself called it that is more of a sign that HE is unfit than that Trump is. And I’m a Cruz supporter. I just cannot believe the absolute flipping flaming insanity of the conservative Trump haters. We have an election to win and you are attacking our leading candidate in the most unhinged ways imaginable!
I have a feeling if we both witnessed a plane crash you would exclaim that the ground swooshed up and smashed the plane. The Trump hate you worry so much about is nothing compared to the damage Trump does himself.
Trump is doing a little bit more than attempting to delegitimize Cruz victories. He’s serially accusing him of serious election fraud, crimes of which some call for prison time, but without evidence and without filing complaints with the FEC. Trump has issued threats against media members for the crime of not overtly and enthusiastically supporting him. Trump essentially spins in circles with one arm extended, finger pointing, crying out, “I’m gonna sue you! And you! And you! And you!”
If this causes you no concern, that is your right. But you have to accept that concerns over Trump’s temperment extend far beyond just conservatives, regrettably a minority among a minority party, and it is far easier to cogently support concerns about Trump’s egomania and constant threats than it is to defend them. Professor Jacobson imagines such an ego – with such a penchant for casting blame for his troubles on everyone but himself – holding the reins of power and is understandably concerned.
Trump and his supporters still believe he is infallible, quite despite the fact he wasn’t won anything in over a month, got his ass kicked last night, and has sabotaged his own campaign so badly that Cruz has moved from 20 pts down nationally to dead even in less than a month. Since credo consolans dictates Trump cannot be the author of his own failures, they must have originated from without. In the paranoid mind, this creates an ends-justifies-means attitude, a decent mirror of the Obama experience.
Nearly eight years of living under the power of a thin-skinned, narcissistic, ANTI-Constitutional, contemptuous-of-the-law Collectivist puke has taught you NOTHING about the dangers of putting ANOTHER one of those in the highest office of the land…????
The goal is to pick the lesser evil. Hillary and Sanders are both communists (an Alinsky-mentored Alinsky communist and an old fashioned Stalinist communist). The Democrats have ALREADY weaponized government against their political foes. For all of Trump’s manifest flaws it is a wild leap to think that he would turn out to be a gigantic criminal, especially when he will be up against the known gigantic criminal Hillary.
The never-Trumpers are a bunch of poison-pill lunatics. All we see from any of them are the negatives about Trump. he is pro-tax? So what? TAXES ARE NOT HIS JOB. That is Congress. Who gives a damn what Trump thinks about taxes, or healthcare, or a host of other issues. His job will be to defend the country against the stinking orthodox Muslim Islamofascists. His prickly defensiveness? Any day of the week over the “religion of peace” morons. For what his job is, he is an ok choice, far better than Kaisich and maybe better than Cruz. He won’t advance conservatism more broadly as Cruz understands how to do but Hillary is literally in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood.
If we can’t get Cruz or Walker or some other real conservative we had damn well better elect Trump, or the imminent conquest of Europe by radical/orthodox Islam is going to inundate us as well.
“The goal is to pick the lesser evil.”
Maybe you should change that to ‘my goal is’. It is not universal.
“For all of Trump’s manifest flaws it is a wild leap to think that he would turn out to be a gigantic criminal, especially when he will be up against the known gigantic criminal Hillary.”
Another straw man. Nobody has forecast Trump would be a ‘gigantic criminal’. It is eminently reasonable and logical to worry that, should he win the White House, Trump will eagerly employ the executive reach overreaches and outright illegalities that Obama has brought to the executive branch. Men like Trump do not give up power willingly. I have zero problem believing Trump would weaponize federal agencies and powers. He’d use them against different perceived enemies is all, like unsupportive media, for instance, something he’s already hinted at. Trump has also recently said he’d like to silence federal employee whistle blowers, making it a federal crime. First Amendment? Pfffft.
“The never-Trumpers are a bunch of poison-pill lunatics. All we see from any of them are the negatives about Trump.”
We eagerly await your glowing posts about Hillary, Bernie, and anyone else you oppose. We also notice the Trump-like, childish, “you’re not being fair!” aspect.
“he is pro-tax? So what? TAXES ARE NOT HIS JOB. That is Congress.”
It is instructive that you don’t know that the president signs tax bills into law. Congress writes and passes them. The president signs them into law. Most of us Cruz supporters very much appreciate it when Trump supporters reveal such deep ignorance on basic American governance.
“Who gives a damn what Trump thinks about taxes, or healthcare, or a host of other issues. His job will be to defend the country against the stinking orthodox Muslim Islamofascists.”
Well, I do, as should anyone who votes or pays taxes. Alec, imagine a world where you had a president could do TWO things at once. I know, I know, crazy-ass idealistic dreaming on my part, but just imagine it.
“His prickly defensiveness? Any day of the week over the “religion of peace” morons.”
False dichotomy. Prickly defensiveness is no substitute for effective foreign policy.
“For what his job is, he is an ok choice, far better than Kaisich and maybe better than Cruz. He won’t advance conservatism more broadly as Cruz understands how to do but Hillary is literally in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Senator Ted Cruz committee assignments: Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Subcommitte on Seapower, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security.
Trump resume: __________.
Kasich resume: __________.
Sure, Trump “may be better than Cruz”. Yeesh. Trump talks about it. Cruz works on it.
“If we can’t get Cruz or Walker or some other real conservative we had damn well better elect Trump, or the imminent conquest of Europe by radical/orthodox Islam is going to inundate us as well.”
Your fears are 90% resolved simply by getting Obama out of office, no longer Commander In Choom. That’s happens statutorily no matter who gets elected.
Dream big. You don’t have to settle for Trump. Vote for Cruz.
That certainly was one of the most disjointed, hysterical, irrational rants I’ve read in a good long time and did not expect to find here. Thank you for brightening my day with a wholly unanticipated amusement. 🙂
“You don’t have to settle for Trump. Vote Cruz!” Or we all die from this poison pill. Brilliant plan.
“It is instructive that you don’t know that the president signs tax bills into law.” Oh shut up. It’s still Congress’ job. What we need is a president that is actually on our side in the war that we are in with orthodox Islamofascism (and the still ongoing Cold War with communism).
Coming out of 8 years with a racist, Alinsky-communist, Islamofascist president the Dems are putting up two communists, one of whom is almost as Islamophillic as Obama. Trump, in contrast is the only candidate aware enough to suggest that our blatantly Islamofascist president might be Muslim, while he and Cruz are the only two to express any determination to fight back against the Islamofascists.
But you would just as soon have the Muslim Brotherhood loving Hillary, who acted as Obama’s lieutenant as he worked for four years to raise the Brotherhood to the pinnacle of power in Egypt, then took the lead in removing the al-Qaeda suppressing Ghaddafi in Libya, then cheered when he backed the Islamofascists against Assad in Syria and when he abandoned our victory in Iraq to al Qaeda in Iraq (now called ISIS).
You would rather have a PROVEN tyrannical criminal who is on the wrong side of our world war with orthodox Islam than a man who is energetically on the right side just because of your fantasized fears that he MIGHT turn out to be half as tyrannical as we KNOW that Hillary is. “Poison pill lunatics” is the right description.
There are levels of ignorance so great, communication is pointless. You go on the ‘ignore’ pile.
“[T]he good professor voices purely speculative concerns about Trump possibly turning out to be such a monstrous criminal without mentioning that the people he would be running against in the general election have already demonstrated this republic-ending level of criminality.”
And that my friends is one of the big reasons I don’t support Trump, because of his immaturity. He is not “Presidential” material.
Last night was a win for the Scott Walker GOP establishment machine. Most of the states won by Cruz were not because of Cruz and his policies but because of the Mormon Establishment in Utah and now the Walker Establishment in Wisconsin. If Cruz gets nomination he will be so beholden to the GOP establishment that NOTHING will change. If Cruz is nominee, there will NEVER be a wall, a real wall and Cruz will support Obamatrade and all the stupid job killing trade deals supported by the GOPe, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Interesting to note that even the Scott Walker establishment machine could not beat the #NeverCruz factions last night. In Wisconsin a majority of Wisconsin republicans voted against Ted Cruz. And if Kasich weren’t in the race Trump would have won beating the Walker establishment machine.
I liked Trump’s post election results statement. I hope it means his attempts at making nice with the GOPe are over.
Objectively, I can not find a path to nomination for Cruz in this primary.
What I am seeing is either Trump or a dark horse.
Objectively, you wouldn’t recognize objectivity if it bit you on the ass.
Good afternoon, Rags. Congratulations on your GOPe victory last night.
Poor old daft thing…
You crack me up, Rags. 🙂
“It matters that Trump is a sore loser.”
What matters more is that Trump wins.
If losing a battle ungracefully is detrimental to winning the war he has no choice but to resolve the problem to win.
Many on the right who oppose Trump cite personality as their main issue.
Many on the left fear him, not because of personality but because of his stated campaign policies which constitutes the driving force behind his success so far as the primary front runner.
He hasn’t won anything in over a month, consecutive losses one after the other. He’s lost his 20 pt national lead over Cruz in less than a month.
On abortion he recently took five different positions in a matter of hours. He’s lost his poll lead in California, which is now a statistical dead heat, not that polls are anything to rely upon.
Trump will win NY, of course, just like Cruz won TX and Kasich won OH. Winning one’s home state is no achievement. It’s just an embarrassment if one doesn’t win it.
As for the left, they’d love nothing better than to run against Trump in the general. Trump has put so many recorded gaffes out there, the Dems have more than they need.
What you are citing is Trump’s self-inflicted damage not Cruz winning on the issues.
There is a difference.
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve read.
Read through this comment log and count the comments citing “Trump’s personality” vs “the issues” as the reason for Trump losing last night.
But, you poor old daft thing, this whole thread is ABOUT T-rump’s nature AS AN ISSUE.
Poor old NON-reading daft thing…
So you agree with me, Rags.
For the Trumpophobes, none of Trump’s policies based on the nation’s issues matter; just personality. Personality is *the* issue.
You guys are being lead around by the GOPe like poodles on a leash trained to bark on command.
The nominee will be Trump or an annointed GOPe candidate, not Cruz.
Why? because GOPe, baby.
Of course, you lie.
My opposition to T-rump COLLECTIVISM is my chief set of ISSUES.
As you both know and happily lie about.
Poor old daft LYING thing.
Denial… you live in a state of denial, Rags. tisk tisk
Henry Hawkins:
“As for the left, they’d love nothing better than to run against Trump in the general. Trump has put so many recorded gaffes out there, the Dems have more than they need.”
The Left will eviscerate the the extent possible whomever is the GOP nominee, Henry.
What matters to voters is the issues.
Wisconsin is in the books.
Next up? New York…
Trump tops 50 percent in New York, Cruz in third place.
We all expect a Collectivist “republican” to do well in Nuevo Ork.
What’s amazing to most of us conservatives is that any NE Collectivist fraud could stand any chance in a national election, but here we are…
Your false narrative aside, Romney is a New England politician who was anointed by the GOPe as the 2012 candidate hoping he would appeal to the middle and swing voters.
How’d that work out?
You really think Trump being a New Englander is a minus with the GOPe? Really??
Here, poor old daft NON-reading thing, try again…
What’s amazing to most of us conservatives is that any NE Collectivist fraud could stand any chance in a national election, but here we are…
What is important to most of us Conservatives are the issues… the issues Trump has addressed with his campaign policies.
On the issues, Rags… On the issues.
“What is important to most of us Conservatives are the issues… the issues Trump has addressed with his campaign policies.”
Sure we can debate the issues and Trump can do it all himself. Just take a look at his stand on abortion last week. He was against abortion and than he was for abortion, ON THE SAME DAY. Hell if you can find ONE policy that he has not contradicted during his campaign, I will be shocked. In fact if you can find more than 2 policies he hasn’t contradicted, I will vote for him.
If issues are important to you, as you claim, how can you support someone that has contradicted their policies?
Trump’s self-inflicted damage on the social issues side is owned by him. No question about it. In my view, I don’t have reason to believe it was ever something he gave very much thought about.
Abortion is a political land mine. oops…
Hillary also stepped on the abortion land mine this week as well.
‘Unborn person’ sent the left into a collective head explosion.
oops… the left maintains the unborn = a non-person. What Hillary said just stomped all over that left-wing narrative.
I did not see much, if anything, from the GOPe in supporting the issue “unborn personhood” in the wake of Hillary’s statement.
Anyone have videos of the GOPe-types weighing in on that this week?
The hump was also way up over Cruz just 2-3 weeks ago, then he got his ass kicked to hell and back last night. He sent out a statement huddled in the fetal position under his blankie while sucking his pacifier.
I have no expectation that Cruz will take NY but it certainly isn’t going to be the blowout you all claim it will be. Beyond receiving the hillbilly vote in the South, the hump mostly hasn’t done very well. And even some Southern delegates are shaking off the hump stupor and realigning their support as we speak.
For your own sanity, it’s time you start scaling back your expectations of the hump. His statement last night after such a blowout loss should have sent a chill down your spine as to what kind of a ‘thing’ you are supporting. It’s best to start letting yourself deflate slowly by starting now. The hot air the hump pumped you up with is dissipating.
Thanks for your concern over my ‘sanity,’ Jack.
I am in this for the issues, not the man.
That is why I simultaneously supported both Cruz & Trump from the beginning of the primary cycle until the day Cruz sold out to the GOPe on March 11th, thus becoming their personal puppet.
It’s also why I supported Cruz in his bid for the Senate; support that continued uninterrupted until he sold out.
My twitter timeline is indisputable proof of what I say here today on this matter.
I, and untold millions, see the GOPe for what it is.
Apparently, some dont.
Oh, and congratulations To Cruz on his victory last night.
It was a Walker establishment victory not a Cruz victory at all.
Trump 52% in New York and Cruz (He HATES people with New York values) in 3rd place at 17% in New York
Donald Trump has a more than two-to-one lead over his closest rival, John Kasich, in the Republican presidential front-runner’s home state of New York, a new poll finds.
A Monmouth University survey released Wednesday shows Trump taking 52 percent support, followed by Kasich at 25 percent. Ted Cruz has 17 percent.
The April 19 primary in New York will go a long way toward determining whether Trump can reach the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the GOP nomination outright and avoid a contested convention.
Protester Disrupts Cruz NYC Event: A ‘Right-Wing Bigot’ Has No Place in The Bronx
Cruz now copying/channeling BERNIE SANDERS !!
2:10: In New York, Cruz says the rich got richer and those with money and power have gotten “fat and happy” under the Obama administration. He says he agrees with Sanders that the “fix is in.”
In the Collective, the fix IS in.
That’s how Mr. Establishment made his filthy lucre, stupid.
The New York City values WE ALL HATE, like the Clinton money laundering/influence store that T-rump gave money to.
You’ve heard Rush, Levin, Hannity, and those of us here who ARE conservatives rail about this for a decade or two.
You lying SOS.
And YOU want the FIX to STAY in.
Sorry Rags, but Lyin Ted Mr. Consistent Conservative is in New York City bitching about the rich getting richer and he agrees with BERNIE SANDERS.
Consistent Conservative my ass. Just another GOP Establishment hack willing to say or do anything and sell out any person or principle for the power of the presidency.
Not remotely complete.
He agrees with Sanders that the fix is in with the Uniparty Establishment to shaft the public at large, and disagrees with him 100% that the solution is more government.
Do you disagree with the first part (that they agree on)?
If not, why are you voting for Trump, who vows that he’s immune to the corruption because of his wealth?
Because Trump, you see, agrees with the second part. He wants to give the government (him, mainly) more power to “clean things up”.
2:25: Cruz booed, heckled in New York: “You know you’re not natural-born. You’re not born here,” someone shouts at him:
3:25: Rubio still not endorsing Cruz. Anti-Trump Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) declines to comment when asked if he will endorse Cruz:
Cruz is just the GOP establishment tool and Trojan horse. Too stupid to know it or is it too easy to roll over and sell out to GOPe. I think the latter.
This post by professor Jacobson is just another in a long line of absurd full blown Trump Derangement Syndrome posts.
Alternative title would be:
Strongman Trump Vows To Defeat GOP Establishment and Their Super Pacs.
Trump Boils Over Unprecedented GOP Establishment And Their Super Pacs Seeking To Steal Nomination Process From Voters.
Trump Vows To Continue Fight For Democracy And Voters Versus Cruz And His GOP Establishment Enablers.
Here’s a novel idea, if you don’t like particular posts, don’t read them. If you don’t like the posts at a site, don’t visit the site It’s really quite simple. Personally, I sometimes like to read things with which I don’t agree, but if it’s really not my cup of tea, I just stop visiting the site. For example, I stopped reading Breitbart when they went all-in for Trump. That’s their choice, they are certainly free to write about, post, and support whomever they like. I, however, do not have to read it, and I would never dream of complaining that they are writing what they think and believe. And I certainly wouldn’t whinge on endlessly that they don’t reflect my own views on their site. That’s just insane.
“Hi there, I just found your site, and I am writing to tell you that I disagree with you and am upset that you don’t write things I believe. I’ll be spending eight to ten hours a day here, reading your posts and complaining that you don’t write what I want. Signed, Gary.”
You may not be aware of this, but there are a lot of sites to choose from, and if you choose one that doesn’t reflect your own ideas, you have a decision to make. Stay there, knowing that the posts are not your cup of tea, or find one that is. Or do you just like to be angry and to complain about things that you cannot change? Maybe you do this at other sites, too? Do you stop by sites devoted to classic cars and then complain–day after day after day–that the site owner doesn’t like your favored classic car? Or doesn’t post about 2016 cars? If so, your stompy foot must be getting quite a workout.
I really don’t give a shit what a loser lije you thinks. Wouldn’t your time be better spent sucking Ragspierre’s or Cruz’s kneecaps rather than reading posts from people you hate.
What a frothy asphole you are!
So you are saying you want to do a taste comparison between mine and Cruz’s ??
Looks like Der Donald STILL can’t or won’t speak…or his handlers won’t.
Given the month-long decline he’s suffering, refusing to speak to anyone in public might be the smartest political move he could make.
It is curious, though, given that Trump has been chasing cameras and microphones since the early 1980s.
True dat, HH.
As a general copy-book rule, the writer should avoid the term “full blown Trump”.
In your case, it should be avoided at all costs…
and for obvious reasons.
Mark Levin: Calls out Ragspierre and all the other never trump morons at LI. Says Rags is NOT conservative, is NOT a constitutionalist. Says Ragspierre is a fraud, a fake, a person who is not brave but an ass.
Starting to like Levin a little better today. ;-))
Levin Says today:
“Now those people out there, those people out there who are saying ‘stop Trump,’ I can understand ‘stop Trump’ in a primary process,” Levin said. “But stop Trump or you’ll vote for Hillary? Stop Trump or you won’t vote at all? These people are not conservatives. They’re not constitutionalists. They’re frauds. They’re fakes. They’re not brave. They’re asinine. They’re buffoons.”
Levin went on to say despite all of his criticisms of Trump that he would vote Trump over Clinton, who he blamed for a number of U.S. foreign policy shortcomings around the globe.
Ragspierre AI insult bot responds in 3…, 2…., 1….,
I like Mark Levin and I would bet that Rags does as well – but Levin and I will have to disagree as to what is the most conservative thing to do if Trump wins the primary. I have considered whether it is better to have a crook and a thief as President or have a crook and thief and mentally deranged person as President.
This world is dangerous enough without the most powerful country in the world headed by a crazy narcissist who believes he knows it all and everyone hates him. #NeverTrump and I have lots of friends like me going to the polls.
What is wonderful is that YOU, you Collectivist SOS, only days ago declared you would vote FOR Hellary if T-rump was not made the nominee.
So you have LESS than NO right to upbraid me on anything.
I do my own thinking, and I regret that Levin has taken this kind of histrionic tact. I think it beneath him.
There are very few things that are more a matter of personal conscience than for whom we vote. And I won’t be bullied by anyone around my choices NEVER to vote for a Collectivist. Not T-rump. Not ANY Collectivist.
There are very few things that are more a matter of personal conscience than for whom we vote. See, there are things we agree on.
Ted Cruz’s campaign stop in the Bronx is a complete dud
There are more than 1.4 million people in the Bronx — but Ted Cruz couldn’t even muster 100 at a campaign event in Parkchester with state Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., a conservative Christian minister.
Cruz visited the Sabrosura Chinese-Dominican restaurant, where Diaz said the presidential candidate could “listen to the social, economic and spiritual needs of our community” while dining with other clergymen on the eatery’s famed fried rice and plantains.
Aside from about 70 ministers affiliated with Diaz, only a dozen voters turned up — and two of them were tossed out after screaming protests about the Texas senator’s hardline stance on immigration.
Ted Cruz got the Bronx cheer Wednesday from angry New Yorkers upset over the Republican presidential candidate’s callous “New York values” crack and his harsh stance on immigration.
Cruz was crucified during a stop in the Bronx, where residents and elected leaders derided him for insulting the city and the borough, only to come crawling back begging for money and votes.
“Just because he has a Hispanic last name does not mean he’s Hispanic,” said hairstylist Edna Ferrer, 57, who was chastising Cruz supporters outside a campaign event in the Bronx. “His mind is white.”
Meanwhile Trump had 12,000 supporters at his rally on Long Island.
Kim Jong-un (who Trump likes) gets great support at rallies too.
Cruzbots are so crazy they even spew lies about Trump’s drycleaner.
I agree. We don’t need someone who hates to lose, we need a gracious loser like: McCain, Romney, Dole, Jeb! Who need a winner?
“Hating to lose” and being a “gracious loser” are not opposites of each other.
You can fight hard, run the race, do your best and if you lose, acknowledge that it wasn’t your day and congratulate the victor.
Being gracious doesn’t mean you have to like being beat, but rather it demonstrates a certain class that most people appreciate. (Trump supporters excluded apparently.)
I spent 20 years in the Navy. One thing I learned is there’s one group of people who hate to lose more than anybody, including Trump. Those would be SEALs. But SEALs don’t win at everything, usually only when they’re competing with other SEALs.
And no SEAL would ever throw an infantile tantrum like Trump. Why? Because it takes discipline to be a SEAL. And Trump is an undisciplined whackjob. Apparently his fanboi’s are also undisciplined whackjobs because they think the only way you can tell someone hates to lose is if they publicly blow a gasket and go postal.
That’s insane.
No, if you hate to lose and love to win you are civil about it, even gracious. And then you milk the experience for all the lessons it’s worth so you can come back stronger and win.
A few observations in passing…
1. Gaghdad Bob Britt has at least two ISP addresses here so that he can queer the “down-thumb” numbers, so don’t feel that a given two votes against your comment means jack-spit. It’s just Britt lying, cheating and stealing, like T=rump.
2. Adults of either gender don’t lie about why they lose, and we all DO lose occasionally. Most often, we lose because of our own failures. Integrity MEANS facing your failures in a frank, uncompromising manner, admitting them, and learning from them. SEALS…or anyone who deals in hard realities…knows this. Aviators and trial lawyers (of any sanity) know this VERY well.
3. T-rump has no integrity, or much of any other trait we associate with a developed adult personality. He is most like a pre-pubescent girl in the way he responds to rejection or challenges. A very insecure, narcissistic pre-pubescent girl.
You just make bullshit up constantly.
I only get one up or down vote on any message just like everyone else.
Interesting that you claim to be privy to info only a site admin would have access to.
Lie away. It is what you and the rest of the cruzbots here do constantly.
I appreciate the observations Ragspierre. I expected to get the thumbs down from the Trumptsers because the truth hurts.
Sorry Trumptards. Trump’s public emotional meltdown does not prove he’s a competitor who hates to lose. It either means he’s losing it or it’s his kindergarten conception of psychological warfare bubbling to the surface.
Either way he’s a joke. But it plays well to the peanut gallery I see.
Congratulations to Prof. Jacobson!
He made the “Quote of the day” at Doug Ross’s…!!!
“How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden … he goes in, he takes over, and he’s the boss,” Trump said. “It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. I mean this guy doesn’t play games. And we can’t play games with him.”
Remember that Trump describes himself in the same manner and says that he doesn’t play games either.
Sorry if you find the idea that Trump likes or at the very least admires Kim Jong-un on some level. (He also likes the same type of rallies that you talked about.)
After the flack from his comments, he walked them back a bit to another even more ridiculous statement:
“I would get China to make that guy [Kim Jong Un] disappear in one form or another very quickly,” Trump said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning,” fresh off his New Hampshire primary victory.
Asked whether that meant assassinating the dictator of the reclusive regime, Trump shrugged.
“Well, you know, I’ve heard of worse things, frankly. I mean this guy’s a bad dude — and don’t underestimate him,” Trump responded. “Any young guy that can take over from his father with all those generals and everybody else that probably wants the position, this is not somebody to be underestimated.”
I could be wrong, but advocating the assassination of another leader is against US law.
Trump doesn’t care though. That’s always the bottom issue with him. Trump is a bully who feels he is above the law or feels he can make up laws as he goes along.
“How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden … he goes in, he takes over, and he’s the boss,” Trump said. “It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. I mean this guy doesn’t play games. And we can’t play games with him.”
Psst. That quote from Trump says the leader of North Korea is a very crazy cut throat killer, especially for someone so young, and the USA needs to take him very seriously as the crazed killer he has shown himself to be.
That quote does NOT say Trump likes the guy. Your reading comprehension skills are compromised by your political biases.
Check your political bias privilege when reading and posting.
Cruz pulls shotgun on Donald Trump at New York bar.
Try this link to get the video.
You’re just a stupid, T-rump suck troll.
Good morning, Rags. I see your personality is in full assault mode again today. You and Cruz have such winning personalities.
So there’s this…
Even Pro-Cruz Analysts Agree=> Cruz Will Run Out of Delegates on April 26th
Pro Cruz supporter and Conservative Review writer Robert Eno agrees with The Gateway Pundit that Ted Cruz will be knocked out of race by April 26th.
But overall he lets his bias for Cruz overtake good reason.
Eno argues that Cruz will take a third of the delegates in New York by agreeing with our conservative estimates. He argues that Cruz will do well in New York but based on yesterday’s miniscule turnout for Cruz in the Bronx and Trump’s massive turnout and poll numbers greater than 50% pro-Trump, it looks like Trump will easily win more than 60 delegates in New York.
Eno goes on to estimate Cruz wins in nearly every other state. He estimates a Cruz win in delegates in Pennsylvania where Trump is up 20+%, with Trump barely winning the rest of the primaries. By being so aggressive in his estimates he shows his bias and immaturity.
Eno doesn’t account for a significant event like the Cruz hooker scandal making the front pages or negative coverage out east, something he hasn’t faced in the rest of the country. If Cruz brings along Pastor Glenn Beck that’s another factor that will hurt his campaign.
The main reason for Trump’s eventual nomination, which Eno clearly does not consider but clearly agrees with, is that come April 26th there will no longer be enough delegates for Cruz to win outright and most Republicans will see that Cruz’s only chance to win is by stealing the election.
Republicans have had enough of sleazy politicians from either party.
Poor old daft LYING thing, linking to a cartoon blog.
Pitiful. But typical of T-rump sucking liars who have pretended for months to be other than what your were.
Rags: Trump’s ‘personality’ is *the* issue.
Your personality exemplifies the collective persona of the Cruz’s gang of internet thugs.
We need a name for you nasty jackbooted goons…
I know… How About The Cruzstapo?
Sorry, poor old daft LYING thing, linking to a cartoon blog, identifying you as what you ARE does not make me a “thug”.
It makes me perceptive. And YOU a liar.
Your behavior makes you a jackbooted goon. Your inner Nazi has blossomed, Herr Rags.
Make that Lyin’ Herr Rags.
While you’re pulling stuff out your ass, you can make up anything.
Nothing I can do do limit your lies.
Then there is this…
Pro-Cruz Conservative Mark Levin Rips #NeverTrump Buffoons (Audio)
Apr 7th, 2016 10:35 am 37 Comments
Guest post by Aleister)
Conservative talk host Mark Levin has been very critical of Donald Trump but he would back him in a general election, it seems. On his show recently, Levin ripped the #NeverTrump crowd on the issue.
Partial transcript via Mediaite:
Mark Levin Rips #NeverTrump ‘Buffoons’: You Would ‘Passively’ Help Hillary Win?
He declared, “These people are not conservatives, they’re not constitutionalists. They’re frauds, they’re fakes. They’re not brave, they’re asinine! They’re buffoons!”
Levin argued that stopping Trump at the convention is one thing, but refusing to help him, even if it means President Hillary Clinton, is a serious error:
“If you believe Hillary Clinton is virtually as off-her-rocker left-wing socialist as Senator Bernie Sanders, if you believe that Hillary Clinton is in part responsible for the rise of ISIS and what took care [sic] in Benghazi… how the hell could you take any steps, passively or affirmatively, that would put that woman in the Oval Office?… As bad as the Republican may be, how could you stay home and allow that?”
Listen to the audio:
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Ari Melber
New Poll: GOP voters overwhelmingly oppose nominating anyone who did not actually run this year.
8:38am · 5 Apr 2016 · Twitter Web Client
364 Retweets 469 Likes
Mr. “I have a very good brain” tries to catch up…
Too little. Too late. Too stupid.
Herr Rags, and people like him, deserve to be shunned for his long history of incendiary and offensive rhetoric… and offensive gestapo-like tactics.
Shun me, baby. SHUN my brains OUT…!!!
(Gestapo-like tactics include outing the lying Trump sucker for pretending to be NOT a lying Trump sucker for months here, after virulent attacks on anyone who did NOT SUCK T=RUMP. Apparently telling the truth and having a memory are “gestapo-like tactics”. Who knew…???)
And, Herr Rags confirms he is impenitent.
The Cruzstapo is alive and well.
Gorsh. Maybe Mr. “I have a very good brain” was mistook…
Maybe he has a poor, sick, mediocre brain, tied to a very, very sad, fragile ego.
That would fit.
Colorado doesn’t hold GOP primary elections for the voters…
A GOPe Wet Dream…
Yep. Der Donald is hiring the BEST GOPe insiders money can buy.
None too happy with his current “brights”…or their RESULTS!
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Come convention time, Trump will be prepared to do battle with the GOPe’s Cruzstapo Jackbooted Goons:
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Voting Female
Team Trump Prepares To Take On the GOPe Goon Squad
#nra #maga #tcot #pjnet
1:13pm · 7 Apr 2016 · TweetDeck