While You Were Sleeping: Western Primary and Caucus Results Rundown

Didn’t feel like staying up until 3:00 in the morning to watch election returns? Have no fear. I was dutifully eating gelato and cross-stitching, keeping tabs on the state of the union WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING.

So here’s what happened in no particular order:

On the Republican side:

Cruz won big in Utah, likely securing all 40 delegates there. Trump took Arizona where he won the state’s 58 delegates. All 9 of America Samoa’s delegates will go the the convention uncommitted.

Most polls indicated Cruz would take Utah, where he had the assist of the state’s Governor and Mitt Romney, while Trump was expected to take Arizona.

Cut Utah out of Trump country; he came in third behind Kasich (OUCH).

Meanwhile in Arizona, Kasich came in fourth. Yes, you read that correctly — fourth. All other candidates raked in an aggregate of ~20% of the vote, just shy of Cruz’s 23%.

This brings the new delegate count to… drum roll please… (assuming Cruz’s lead in Utah holds):

Interestingly, none of the Republican candidates gave a grand, “we couldn’t have done this without you, and subtle dig at the other guy!” speech last night. Thankfully.

How the Democrats fared:

Bernie won two out of three tonight. He crushed Clinton in Idaho, winning 78% of their votes.

In Utah, Bernie was hovering around 74% (or he was around the time I wrote this):

Clinton won Arizona, but not by near as stunning a margin:

Bernie is still down in the delegate tally, but he’s not out, at least not yet. If all else fails, there’s always magic.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, 2016 Republican Primary, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, John Kasich, Ted Cruz