It turns out that our 2012 Tea Party event was, indeed, crashed by a D-list Hollywood celebrity wannabe!
The meeting, which focused on how citizen activists could counter false charges of racism, was crashed by a group of disruptors waving Confederate flags and holding White Power signs.
One of our astute readers, Wolverbear, asked if it was Adult Swim comedian Eric André.
Why, yes it was! Our savvy research team has uncovered this Youtube chestnut.
It appears that we were treated to a comedy skit by a low-talent hack.
Eric André is erratic jazz. He’s polarizing. If you get it, you love it; if you don’t, you leave the room confused. His talk show The Eric Andre Show is a chaotic blend of whatever strange, violent, and disruptive sketches Adult Swim will let him and his team produce. André describes the show as an attempt to answer the question, “What if I was a talk show host who treated it like his day job, like a temp job?”
Let me tell you what Andre left on the cutting room floor:
Finally, my many attempts to get a straight answer from him during an impromptu interview didn’t make it into the skit either. What I do remember vividly was that, after I told this band of Merry Men the details about the forum, the two instagators who accompanied André had the grace to look embarrassed.
André just continued the mocking. I recall he really hated my shoes.
There are vile consequences of continued ridicule and chronic assertions that conservative activists are racists. Over the ensuing 4 years, we have been dehumanized by insults, tasteless humor, and baseless charges.
Now, bad jokes aren’t enough.
The above image is a screen capture via Breitbart (the original Tweet has been removed), which provides additional details on the author:
“Fammo” is likely a reference to Mr. Poe’s associates and extended family members.Mr. Poe was a prominent Ferguson activist who was closely associated with Ashley Yates. Mr. Poe and Ms. Yates are the co-founders of the social justice Hands Up United, who also sell T-Shirts and accept donations on their website.
André seems to have established his questionable comedy credentials at the expense of many kind-hearted Californians.
I wish him all the joy and success in is future career that he deserves.
Meanwhile, myself and many other good Americans will be trying to undo the damage all his race-baiting “jokes” have caused.