Super Duper Republican Tuesday Eve Roundup

It’s Super Tuesday (again) Eve!

Tomorrow, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio have will hold their primary elections. Florida and Ohio are winner-take-all states; no delegate splitting in either.

Here’s the latest from the wild world of campaigns:

Florida’s Attorney General endorses Trump

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign tells a journalist from the Orlando Sun Sentinel to leave the rally or, “go to jail”


Like thousands of others, I attended the Donald Trump rally in West Boca on Sunday night. Like many others, I procured a general admission ticket after registering online. Like many others, I used my smartphone to take photos, videos and post on social media during the event, held at a county park. Unlike nearly all the others, I was confronted with a stark choice by a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputy at 8:40 p.m., while Trump was still speaking: Leaving immediately or “going to jail.” I left. “Tell him we’re trespassing him,” a Trump campaign official told the deputy. The campaign official told me his name was Justin. He would not give me his full name or tell me his position, even though I identified myself and gave him my business card. “Just Justin,” he told me a minute earlier, when he approached me and objected to me taking video of people leaving the rally early, while Trump was still on stage. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Justin told me.


Surely he didn’t mean LI comment section…


Does Trump incite violence? A montage

Cruz would’ve fired Lewandowski

Rubio tells Bernie Sanders supporter ‘Don’t worry, you’re not going to get beat up at my rally’

Cruz finds a reason not to support Trump


Polling suggests…

All of your if this, then this scenarios here.

Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

Does Rubio have a shot in Florida?

Hard to tell. Previous polling says no:

Buuuuut early voting might reveal happy news for the Florida Senator:

The best thing on the Internet


Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz