Reporter asks Elizabeth Warren if Trump speaks “with a forked tongue”

Elizabeth Warren’s false claim to be Indian has been back in the news lately. Donald Trump mockingly referred to her as “the Indian” after Warren had excoriated Trump over recent comments.

Contrary to some media portrayals, Trump was not mocking Warren being Indian (she’s not), he was mocking her false appropriation of Indian identity. (Full details here)

In reaction to Trump’s comment, numerous media outlets have falsely portrayed Warren lately as actually being Indian. I requested corrections, but have not received any responses. (Likely to have more on that in the future.)

The tweet above got be blocked by the Raw Story author. I also tweeted to the Raw Story Editor and Publisher. (Please retweet all these tweets if you are so inclined.)

I also tweeted to Lawrence O’Donnell and emailed his executive producer, with no response:

But an interesting thing happened. Warren invoked the same defense she used in 2012, that questioning the veracity of her claim to be Native American is an attack on her family. Just the opposite is true, of course, since Warren’s family was not actually Indian, and neither is she.

The Boston Herald reported, Liz Warren blasts Trump’s ‘hate-filled attacks on my family’:

Bay State U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren blasted GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s “hate-filled attacks” on her Native American heritage this afternoon during a press avail where she scathingly disparaged the former reality TV star’s business record and repeatedly called him “a threat” to America.“Donald Trump is a bully, and that’s what bullies do,” Warren said in Quincy this afternoon. “Scott Brown tried the same sort of thing, and if Donald Trump thinks that by using Scott Brown’s hate-filled attacks on my family that he’s going to shut me down, then he better think again. It didn’t work before and it’s not going to work now.”

You can see the news station video here.

Incredibly, just before that answer, a reporter asked Warren if Trump “speaks with a forked tongue,” and Warren didn’t object to that phraseology before launching into Trump. The quote is not in the article, but is in the video:

“Does Donald Trump speak with a forked tongue?”

At which point Warren laughs a little.

Here is the full video. The quote is at 2:30. If the video doesn’t play, try here)

Very interesting to me that Warren laughed off the part about “forked tongue,” which obviously was mocking Warren.

[Featured Image: MassLive Video]

Tags: Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren