Melissa Click, the Missouri professor who famously advocated for “using muscle” against student journalists at a campus protest has lost her termination appeal.
Following the encounter that was captured on tape, Click was charged with third-degree assault and suspended with pay before being canned.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
The board of curators said the appeal, which Melissa Click filed shortly after her Feb. 24 firing, “brought no new relevant information.” Ms. Click’s job paid $58,000, and she was up for tenure this year.
Ms. Click said the firing was part of a political witch hunt and a racist backlash to the protest movement seeking greater protections and sensitivity for black students on campus. The protests eventually led to the resignation of the university system’s president.
In a statement Tuesday, she said she was “not surprised” but “certainly dissatisfied” with the board’s decision. She claimed that it “appears to be designed to discourage future activism.”
In its statement Tuesday, the board said, “Dr. Click was treated fairly throughout this matter, including meeting with investigators multiple times to share information as well as her opinion.”
After an extensive investigation, Click was fired from the university, but given the opportunity to appeal the decision.
According to the Columbia Daily Tribune:
According to the Columbia Daily Tribune:
Assistant Professor Melissa Click, captured on video calling for “some muscle” to remove reporters from a campus protest site, was fired Wednesday by the University of Missouri Board of Curators, Chairwoman Pam Henrickson said in a prepared statement.
The board voted 4-2 in favor of termination during a closed session in Kansas City, with Henrickson and curator John Phillips opposing the move, UM System spokesman John Fougere wrote in an email Thursday. Curators David Steelman, Donald Cupps, Maurice Graham and Phil Snowden voted in favor of firing Click.
Click did not respond to a message seeking comment Thursday. The board earlier voted to suspend Click with pay on Jan. 27.
“The board respects Dr. Click’s right to express her views and does not base this decision on her support for students engaged in protest or their views,” Henrickson said in the prepared statement. “However, Dr. Click was not entitled to interfere with the rights of others, to confront members of law enforcement or to encourage potential physical intimidation against a student.”
The statement from Henrickson cited Click’s behavior at the Homecoming parade, when she cursed at a police officer who was moving protesters out of the street, and on Nov. 9 at Concerned Student 1950’s protest site on the Carnahan Quadrangle. Her actions at the protest site, Henrickson said, “when she interfered with members of the media and students who were exercising their rights in a public space and called for intimidation against one of our students, we believe demands serious action.”
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The old joke about shaving a dog’s behind comes to mind every time I see her picture.
You could have at least blotted out her face Kemberlee or posted this later tonight long after dinner has settled.
I used to believe “There’s no such thing as an ugly woman”, but that photo has proven me wrong.
“Ms. Click’s job paid $58,000, and she was up for tenure this year.”
Nice timing, Ms. Sooper Genius
Mizzou board: We’ve already lost enough enrollment, thank you.
Maybe some sanity is being returned to the nation finally.
The interesting question to me is whether she would have been fired if she had waited another year, after she had received tenure. Theoretically, assaulting students, and asking that students be assaulted and their 1st Amdt. rights violated should be sufficient for firing for even tenured profs. Maybe.
Nah. Northwestern was famous for its klansman.
Oh, but now where is a precious college snowflake to go, yearning but to learn at the feet of the professor whose PhD dissertation was . . . well, here’s the title:
“It’s ‘a good thing’: The commodification of femininity, affluence and whiteness in the Martha Stewart phenomenon.”
$58,000 a year? Seriously?
What college or university would hire her and risk economic or political damage? Maybe some of her comrades somewhere will “demand” their college hire her? What job is she qualified for? What are her skills? How will her background check look?
What will her background check look like? See “4Fun’s” comment above, about shaving a dog’s behind.
With a communications degree, she is basically not qualified for a damn thing, other than teaching others and helping them get this useless degree.
Live by the sword (can we have some muscle over here), die by being fired fired fired.
But why is Click’s hair color worthy of inclusion in the headline? I keep asking, but no one answers. Who at “Insurrection” dislikes redheads? If Click’s haircolor had been black, or brown, or blond, would it have been mentioned in the headline? How does Click’s hair color factor into the story?
Redheads have a reputation for being violent and aggressive?
They’re rare. 2% of the US population, assuming you don’t count those who cheat by coloring their hair.
They’re rare. 2% of the US population, assuming you don’t count those who cheat by coloring their hair.
Gosh, she’s a minority-minority. Shouldn’t she be deemed legally invulnerable to charges of anything short of murder?
Is it true that redheads are exceptionally thin skinned?
No, though most redheads I know in our family do have tempers.
No but bruising, bleeding etc. shows up easier because their skin is lighter. And they do tend to have freckles.
Redheads also, on average, tend to be much more attractive than this lady who is very plain. But then again that is coming from someone who has a weakness for cute redheads.
Beauty is skin-deep, ugly is to the bone. (See: Michelle Obama.)
The fact this bozo is so ugly on the inside makes her outside so disgusting, that one can’t appreciate, let alone, ignore, her loud hair, not to mention her foaming at the mouth.
We also dislike women wearing glasses, with crooked index fingers who point them, who wear tops with strange collars.
She probably doesn’t use deodorant, which is why she shouldn’t expose her armpit.
Whether she gets hired again is iffy. But would you hire one of the jerks who sends you a resume showing they graduated from Mizzou?
The ultimate justice is if students sued her and the school for their tuition money, claiming this a-hole’s public disgracing of the school (and the school enabling it) severely damaged the value of their diplomas.
I think that picture has a long photoshop career ahead of it.
This event was so iconic and symbolic of what the left is all about.
“This event was so iconic and symbolic of what the left is all about.”
Exactly! The true motto of the left is; “Rights and tolerance for me, but not for the.”
No Tenure for you!
The irony is delicious. Mizzou to Click: “You have to leave!”
Not only; “You have to leave!”, but you have to leave because you are the one who denied others their rights. That is the part that is best for me and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
“In a statement Tuesday, she said she was “not surprised” but “certainly dissatisfied” with the board’s decision. She claimed that it “appears to be designed to discourage future activism.”
You know there was a time when I had faith enough in the human spirit that I would expect something like this to cause a person to do some real soul searching. However, all these “activist” from the left today only remind me of why we have the term “Zealot”.
If “future activism” is synonymous with “third-degree assault”…
then, why yes, it appears to be designed to discourage that.
She claimed that it “appears to be designed to discourage future activism.”
That’s a side-splitter. She’s so fanatic that she just knows that ALL activism is leftist.
Now she can be moved into the same house as Ward Churchill. They deserve each other.