Anti-AIPAC protest turns ugly and violent

Anti Aipac Protesters Assault Joel Griffith

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is holding its annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. There are 18,000 attendees.

Today was a rally for Palestine, and the marchers (200-300 based on the videos posted online) marched to the AIPAC conference location where protesters heckled people trying to enter. There also were the usual Code Pink antics, such as trying hard to get arrested by blocking doors (so far this year, no arrests). The main Code Pink protest is Monday, and I’m sure they will try hard to get arrested for publicity, as they did last year.

But there were far more aggressive and dangerous people in the crowd, as this video shows.

Language Warning on all videos

(Video Via The Right Scoop via Townhall)

(added) The Townhall reporter on the scene, Leigh Wolf, recounts how the anti-AIPAC crowd falsely is claiming a journalist was attacked by AIPAC attendees:

The “journalist” is ANSWER coalition member Mike Prysner. Far from a journalist, he is in fact with the organizers of the Anti-Israel protest….But the journalist who is claiming he was attacked by an AIPAC attendee seems to forget that I filmed him threatening two conference attendees.The first video is the incident itself showing AIPAC members fleeing an angry mob.The Anti-Israel crowd could be heard screaming “run inside” and “that’s what you get. …The second video is my interaction with the journalist who claims he was attacked. This video was taken moments before the incident. He can be heard warning AIPAC attendees that they are “lucky” the police are close by.

Interestingly, the video shows Medea Benjamin, one of the co-founders of Code Pink, and Ariel Gold from Ithaca, NY, who works for Code Pink, near the scuffing, though there is no indication they were involved.

Joel Griffith, who I know, also was there and posted these videos, including an assault on him and the police non-reaction:

We will follow up as more information becomes available.

Tags: AIPAC, Ariel Gold, BDS, Code Pink