#Trumpertantrum turns into #Trumpernoia

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Yesterday in Trumpernoia: Fox News is out to get Donald Trump, after giving him so much airtime people previously had accused Fox News of being in the tank for Trump. Now, the fix it in for Marco Rubio. It’s an Open Borders billionaire conspiracy. Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes’ strings are being pulled by a Saudi Prince who was photographed with Megyn Kelly. The daughter of Fox News Executive VIP Bill Sammon works for Rubio. But it goes even deeper, really deep. Someone who used to work for Dana Perino now is Rubio’s press secretary. It’s just rumor for now, but Jasper may be in on the conspiracy, but he’s not talking. And don’t trust the vote count, it’s being done by a Rubio donor.

Today in Trumpernoia: Frank Luntz did consulting for Marco Rubio almost a decade ago to help shape Rubio’s political image. But Luntz doesn’t disclose that decade-old consulting when he talks about Rubio, so all the Luntz panels on Fox News are biased against Trump and favoring Rubio. The spark for this bias claim was this Luntz focus group after the last GOP debate, and Rubio’s recent rise in the polls:

Are the focus groups biased in favor of Rubio because of Luntz’s past consulting? Luntz pushes back:

If the fix is in for Luntz focus groups, how to explain this panel favorable to Chris Christie?

And Ted Cruz:

And Carly Fiorina:

And, ahem, Donald Trump:

There is a clear pattern here, of no pattern. Certainly not a pattern of propping up Rubio.

One of our authors has been critical of Luntz’s methodology with the focus groups, but based on analysis of the questioning, not paranoid speculation about hidden connections and conspiracies.

So much for Trumpernoia. Maybe it’s time to go back to Trumpertantrums:

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump, Fox News, Frank Luntz, Marco Rubio