LIVE REACTIONS: Iowa Caucus Showdown
Live results as we have them

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I think I’ll go watch netflix. Our primary isn’t until June and by then it’s pretty much a done deal.
I’ll check in from time to time just to see if anything interesting happens.
But on the whole, Iowa?
Just one big ethanol lobby screwing over taxpayers and motorists.
And while I’m at it, I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you at LI for the work that you do. Perhaps we don’t say enough, but thank you for all the hard work, research, and numerous articles you write.
Honestly, thank you. I appreciate your hard work more than you probably realize.
And since money talks, yes, I do have plans to donate to your blog.
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Tom Abrahams
45% reporting @tedcruz 29% @realDonaldTrump 25.6% @marcorubio 20.8% #IowaCaucus
7:39pm · 1 Feb 2016 · Twitter for iPhone
A decent result for Sen Rubio. Who I don’t support.
In fact, this link from Earl on another blog may cause me to switch from Ted to Trump.
Wow, heaven on Earth…
It’s like those people who say they’ll move out of the US if so-and-so wins. They never do.
Did Jeb! win? Amnesty and common core are pretty big in Iowa with the illegals. Can’t they caucus there?
Ace’s Decision Desk calls it for Cruz:
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Fox News @FoxNews
.@megynkelly: “75% of the votes have been tabulated on the GOP side and @tedcruz remains in the lead.” #IowaCaucus
It sure looks like Ted Cruz is going to win Iowa.
Notice how far off course the pollsters are on Rubio.
It does look that way. But it’s too early for my happy dance. 😛
Go ahead now!
Woo! Am happy dancing all over my living room. 🙂
Unlike a primary, a caucus is interactive. have seen people change their minds during the evening when I caucused in Minnesota years ago. Thus I suspect some voters whose first choice as given to a pollster was a moderate like Jeb, Christie, etc saw how few of their neighbors supported their man and switched to the candidate who seemed to be gaining momentum.
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Winning Iowa while opposing ethanol mandates would qualify as a miracle for future Sainthood consideration.
7:48 PM – 1 Feb 2016
;-)) LOL. Good one.
It appears that Rubio’s surge pulled many more votes from Trump than from Cruz. Its gonna be interesting in New Hampshire now.
Why is Fox News airing what sounds like a Rubio victory speech when he came in THIRD?
Maybe because in terms of establishment, he came in either first (if you count only GOP) or second (if you count both parties’ establishment). :/
FOX wouldn’t know the content of Rubio’s speech head of time. Rubio is taking advantage of a huge audience celebrating a victory of sorts in that he very nearly took second place when “polls” had him finishing a distant third.
First place is worth a Cadillac El Dorado; second place gets you a set of steak knives; and third place gets you fired.
Congratulations To Cruz Supporters!
Take Heart Trump Supporters, It is The 1st Of Many Battles.
The outcome of the Iowa caucus will now result in the GOP Establishment training their big guns in the direction of Cruz.
He basked in a shadow behind Trump who took the brunt of the Establishment onslaught.
This is why, in my considered opinion, it is vital that Cruz and Trump stay next to each other in pollsters’ points & states’ delegates.
And I seriously doubt that Mr. Trump would consider being second fiddle to Cruz, but he would be a good man to have around in a dirty fight.
I wouldn’t think twice about sending him over to Iran to straighten them out. Have a few chats in China… A word with Mexico..
So, with a bit of grace…. maybe
Huckabee and O’Malley have both suspended their campaigns:
My Congratulations to Senator Cruz!
He has been my preferred Candidate, although I have contributed to both Ted and Don.
I am pleased at the outcome and was quite torn between them.
The only thing that really bothered me from Mr. Trump was his recent comment as to health-care where he voiced support for some kind of socialized system. That took me completely off-guard.
I am hopeful Senator Cruz can expand upon this first victory and will support him as I am able.
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jimgeraghty @jimgeraghty
Congratulations, Ted Cruz, You Just Won More Votes in a GOP Caucus Than Anyone… Ever!
But, but, the media are saying that Trump got the greatest number of votes ever in an Iowa caucus ….long pause, except for Cruz.
Humpatrump sure looked like an angry, sore loser, and he hates and ridicules losers, even when they’re just people who want to keep their homes from being ripped out from underneath them by a big, bullying “ty
phcoon.How did the polls get it so hugely, and so consistently, wrong?
That’s going to be an issue worth exploring in the days to come, that’s for sure.
Not really. Caucus polls tend to be wrong more often than they are right for two reasons. First, it is hard for pollsters to determine who will attend. Many people who say they will attend don’t actually do so when they realize a caucus means talking politics with their neighbors for at least two hours. Second, the caucus process is interactive. People will change their mind depending upon what their neighbors say and which candidates seem to have momentum.
Now maybe Governor Branstad, the greatest, longest serving, most bestest Republican governor ever, just might be a little worried.