Early this week, while most people were focusing on the Nevada GOP caucus, CNN held another Democratic Party town hall event. When Bernie Sanders was confronted about the viability of his proposals, he got a little cranky.
Jack Heretik reports at the Washington Free Beacon:
Bernie Sanders Tries To Defend Viability Of His Socialist ProposalsSen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) dismissed criticism of his socialist economic proposals as coming from Hillary Clinton’s campaign during CNN’s Democratic Town Hall Tuesday night.“As you’re aware, four former chairs of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, all appointed by Democrats by the way, say there’s no credible economic research that supports the positive impacts that you’re touting,” host Chris Cuomo said. “One of them goes as far to say that it’s like, ‘Magic flying puppies with winning lotto tickets tied to their collars.’”“Let me guess, those economists were organized by the Clinton campaign? A wild and crazy guess,” Sanders said.“No. They weren’t–” Cuomo said.“Well, we have well over a hundred, I think it’s 130 economists and health care experts who will say exactly the same. Look Chris, you have enough experience to know, you can go to an economist, this one will say this, we got economists that say ‘Hey, what this country needs are more tax breaks for billionaires, et cetera, et cetera’.” Sanders said. “Economists have different points of view. But we have documented how we pay.”
Here’s the video:
The report Chris Cuomo is referring to appeared at The Hill last week:
Sanders’s economic math doesn’t add up, say former White House economistsA group of former economic advisers to Presidents Obama and Clinton are taking Bernie Sanders to task, arguing his economic math doesn’t add up.Four former heads of the Council of Economic Advisers posted an open letter online Wednesday, arguing that the Democratic presidential candidate is relying on claims for his economic plans that cannot be backed up with evidence.And as long as the campaign makes such claims, they argue, it undermines Democrats hoping to make a more realistic economic case.“These claims undermine the credibility of the progressive economic agenda and make it that much more difficult to challenge the unrealistic claims made by Republican candidates,” they wrote.
When even Democrats say your plan doesn’t add up…
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