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2016: The Year of the Anti-Establishment Election

2016: The Year of the Anti-Establishment Election

“Voter Revolt.”

FOX News is running a special program this weekend called Voter Revolt which focuses on the rejection of establishment politicians in the 2016 election.

Bret Baier hosts and covers both sides of the race in the balanced style anyone who watches him on Special Report has come to expect.

The hour long program focuses on Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders supporters but also speaks to Cruz supporters and Clinton supporters as well as providing some background on the factors which have brought us to this point.

The FOX News Insider has more:

Pro-Trump Tattoo Artist: ‘I Never Voted in My Life Until Now’

A real estate billionaire/reality TV star and a 74-year-old socialist scored huge victories in the New Hampshire primaries this week.

So what’s driving the support for these unlikely contenders in the 2016 presidential race?

Bret Baier will get to the bottom of that in a new Fox News Reporting special: “Voter Revolt,” talking to Americans who are moving away from traditional politicians.

For instance, this New Hampshire tattoo artist who is offering free Trump tattoos…

Here’s a video sample:

I watched the show last night and found it impressive.

If you missed it, it’s going to air again on Saturday and Sunday night at 8 pm ET.

Featured image is a screen cap from the FOX News Insider.


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I haven’t watched it. Fox News telling me what I am and how I think is the height of elitist smuggery.

    snopercod in reply to VotingFemale. | February 13, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    I dumped Fox News from my cable package four years ago. They had been leaning more and more left for years, but Krauthammer’s constant criticism of Sarah Palin and other conservatives pushed me over the brink. Fox is just a mouthpiece for the GOPe these days.

Twitter Feed

Jenna Johnson

Both of my Uber drivers in Tampa tonight — who are vastly different in their backgrounds, demeanor — say they’re voting for Donald Trump.

9:08pm · 12 Feb 2016 · Twitter for iPhone

282 Retweets 460 Likes

Watch Fox? Hahhahhhahhahahahah. Sniff. No thank you.

No one has ever lost both Iowa and New Hampshire, then gone on to win the Republican nomination. By that measure, it is now down to Cruz and Trump.

VotingFemale, I have not watched it either; this is the first I have heard of the episode. I, however, don’t understand your objection. Is it not a primary job of news organizations to try and go out and interview people to understand their motives? Or do you object to all attempts to understand and document how other people think and what they believe? If you don’t, having never seen the episode what is your objection? Again, I haven’t seen it so maybe they did a bad/offensive/condescending job but you haven’t seen it either and this blog entry suggests Bret Baier’s piece was at least a respectable attempt at being fair to all sides.

God help anyone who gets at tattoo.

A Trumpah tattoo means you are marked for life as an imbecile.

Bret Baier was one of my last hold outs at FNC but no more. He is in the tank with the RNC and when you watch his program it is easy to spot the bias. There is basically no one left there that can be counted on to be neutral. Hannity appears to be at least consistent but is so un-watchable that leaves him out. I watch it during the midday period but cannot stomach Marth McCallum or Bill Hemmer.

    That was my exact thought too. And then I saw him do the Cruz interview about the Rubio Gang of 8 Amnesty bill. He accused Cruz of voting for it. Cruz, Sessions added an amendment to the bill to kill it and Baier kept on insisting that Cruz supported the bill completely ignoring the fact that the amendment killed the bill. I knew right then and there that Fox and company got their marching orders to kill off Cruz.

    And they also keep dragging Karl Rove on air is another buzz kill for me.

The progressive fascists have been ordered by their Dear Leaders not to watch Fox News because the truths they report challenges progressive fascist lies. Can’t have the true believers exposed to the truth, they might question the lies and progressive fascist ideology. looks like the DNC/Hillary Clinton have rigged the nomination against Bernie. bwahahahaha

…know who rhose bernie spporters will vote for if Hillary steals the nomination from bernie? Trump.

just to spite the Democrat party. funny tho, 0bama used the same dirty tactic to take the nomination from hillary in 2008, now she uses it on old senile bernie