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Trump Supporter Proudly Heckles Bernie Sanders

Trump Supporter Proudly Heckles Bernie Sanders

“Is a Trump supporter worried about Mr. Trump’s money?”

Bernie Sanders’ attempts to woo supporters away from The Donald probably won’t be flipping this guy any time soon.

The Hill reports:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Saturday was interrupted during a rally in Amherst, Mass., by a man wearing a Donald Trump shirt.

“Shame on you, Bernie,” the man shouted at the senator.

“Here’s a Trump supporter worried about Mr. Trump’s money,” Sanders said as the crowd booed.
The heckler held up a sign that read, “Obama is as Christian as Bruce Jenner is a woman.”

Sanders’ supporters chanted “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie” as the protester was escorted out of the rally.

“I say to Mr. Trump and his supporters that the billionaires in this country will not continue to own this nation,” Sanders said.


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Just as likely protester is a democrat plant as it is he is real supporter. Bernie needs press coverage.

    BillyHW in reply to Gary Britt. | January 4, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    Yup, get ready for plenty of planted racists, KKK members, “homophobes” etc. to drive the media narrative against Trump over the coming year. Democrats have no shame or honour.

      Milhouse in reply to BillyHW. | January 4, 2016 at 8:18 pm

      This is true. This guy seems not to be a plant, but get ready for them because they will be coming. This is a tried and trusted Democrat tactic.

I know the protester personally. Rest assured he IS a Republican and NOT a Democrat operative.

It is totally hilarious watching the GOP clowns on this web site in denial of their own. This is perhaps the most uneducated comment section I have seen on the web and this saying a lot.

I see The BernieBots are out trolling for a response. What morons, lol.