Marco Rubio Gets the Star Wars Treatment

Star Wars Episode 7 premiers this weekend. Naturally, the internet has been kind enough to rip bits of the official trailer to make mashups like this one:

Despite the campaign logo conclusion, the video is not a product of Rubio’s presidential campaign.

But what does Rubio think of the epic sci-fi series?

Last month, ABC News posted a clip of Rubio discussing Star Wars. Florida’s junior Senator said although he hated Darth Vader (the film’s villain) as a child, he kind of feels sorry for him now.

“I used to hate Darth Vader, now I kind of feel a little bit sorry for him now that I know what he went through to get to that point. He’s probably the most fascinating character in the whole movie because he starts as this individual with a tremendous amount of talent and promise, then something went wrong, something really went bad. He went dark and went nasty,” explained Sen. Rubio.

Rubio will join eight other presidential candidates tonight in a Republican presidential debate hosted by CNN.

Join us for our live coverage of the debate beginning at 8:30 EST tonight.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Marco Rubio