Leaving New York (no, not me, just a lot of other folks)

Upstate NY Map

This is no surprise, particularly given the dismal economic situation in upstate NY.

The government under pressure from political activists shut down any hope of fracking even though it works fine elsewhere and has kept parts of Pennsylvania economically alive for years; regulations and taxes are strangling businesses; and almost every day brings a news story about how much more control the state wants over our lives.

So people continue to leave. (h/t @michellemalkin)

The Albany Times Union reports on the large outflow, offset only by immigrants and immigrant children:

Once again more people are leaving New York State than arriving here, at least when it comes to people moving from one state to another.The Empire Center is out with findings, based on periodic Census updates, that “During the 12 months ending last July 1, 153,921 more residents moved out of New York than moved into it from other states.” ….The study also notes that 653,071 people have moved out of New York since the 2010 Census making fo the the largest such decrease of any state.Despite that, the state’s overall population of more than 19 million people is growing slightly. That’s because of the continued arrival of immigrants who come to New York, which is exceeded only by California.Moreover, immigrant families have a relatively high number of kids, which also adds to the population count.Other studies confirm the exodus of New Yorkers.United Van Lines, which conducts national surveys of its moving customers, found that in 2014 New Jersey, New York and Connecticut led the ”outbound” migration of people going to other states.

Here’s a chart of the migration pattern:


The good news?

If the choice is New York as opposed to a third world country, it’s attractive, hence the immigration numbers.

The bad news?

If the choice is New York as opposed to a third world country, it’s attractive, hence the immigration numbers.

Tags: Immigration, NY State, Upstate New York