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Grassroots Chicago Black Activists Clash With College #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Grassroots Chicago Black Activists Clash With College #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

“The little kids from the University of Chicago are trying to take over the movement”

RebelPundit has newly released video footage from deep within the Black Friday protest in Chicago that provides new insight into the character of, and reception in the grassroots black community to college-based “Black Lives Matter” and other organized groups vying for control of their community.

Here is the explanation from Rebel Pundit:

When protesters took to Chicago’s Michigan Avenue last week, grassroots activists at the Black Friday boycott had no interest in sharing the Magnificent Mile with “Black Lives Matter” activists from the University of Chicago, forcing protesters associated with the group off the street.

While media coverage from the periphery of the march showed images of protesters lined up in front of the high-end stores and reported on a unified movement for “justice” in the police killing of Laquan McDonald, it was anything but. Our footage from the core of the march reveals the contentious and disunited elements vying for control.

At the outset of the march, grassroots protesters commonly associated with the group Voices of the Ex-Offenders (V.O.T.E.) led the march north on Michigan Avenue and away from Jesse Jackson and his media entourage. The majority of viewers observing the events on television were unaware of how the march began as cameras and reporters remained trained on Jackson.

In doing so, media failed to capture the true tenor of the Black Friday march, including marked disunity among the groups represented that day, professional operatives attempting to stop our filming of the hostility toward Black Lives Matter activists by grassroots activists, and Black Youth Project 100 protesters inciting violence even as they chanted “peace,” as seen in our footage….

The video shows militant female “Black Lives Matter” activists from Black Youth Project 100 fighting, pushing and shoving with the grassroots activists from the community, after being told not to try and get in front of the black community.

[Chicago Grassroots Protester: "The little kids from the University of Chicago are trying to take over the movement"]

[Chicago Grassroots Protester: “The little kids from the University of Chicago are trying to take over the movement”]

RebelPundit reports several incidents that occurred within the march, which was held as a “Day of Action” to protest the shooting of Laquan McDonald. First, while Jesse Jackson held court with reporters on the far end of the protest, grassroots activists abandoned him and took the march from the gathering area, leaving Jackson behind.

Video footage from RebelPundit shows grassroots activists describing their fear that Black Lives Matter and the other groups present, including Black Youth Project and Black , as well as Jesse Jackson, have been manipulating their community, including concerns that absent Mayor Rahm Emanuel has placed operatives within their ranks.

The footage also shows RebelPundit being harassed during the march and told the groups “have a freedom to not be filmed.”

They may have feared he would document exactly what he found: in his video he records the tense interaction between black grassroots activists and the assortment of organized efforts present — Black Lives Matter, Black Youth Project, and Dream Defenders. Then a female activist appears to incite a fight by shoving the grassroots activists as the two groups overlapped deep inside the march. The activists from the two groups shout at each other and RebelPundit reports that the grassroots activists succeed in ejecting the Black Lives Matter protesters from the march.

This suggests that any coverage of Black Lives Matter at the Black Friday protest as 1) unified, 2) transparent, or 3) peaceful, failed to capture the events as they unfolded beyond the sidewalks and circumference of the Jesse Jackson entourage.


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Nothing new under the sun… wherever there is a new power, there is a struggle FOR that power. Do you think the protests in the ’60s were without this infighting?

Like so many other movements, there is the honest protest of the people who really are victimized, and you have the Organized Leftists who are there to take their mantle, and manipulate it for their own purposes.

Rinse and repeat.

    Milhouse in reply to MrMichael. | December 1, 2015 at 2:35 am

    What “honest protest of the people who really are victimized” are you talking about? The only people being victimized here are cops and shopkeepers, and they’re not the ones protesting.

      MrMichael in reply to Milhouse. | December 2, 2015 at 1:57 am

      Milhouse, When I referred to “honest protest of the people who really are victimized”, I was referring to those African Americans who were being treated so poorly in the South during the ’60s and before… I apologize for not making that more clear to you.


    Some of the “victims”… preparing to protest minimum wage laws…needed new shoes…

    Chicago, Sat. 10-24-2015:

    Nike’s new Michael Jordan store on State Street has fans waiting in line

    I work a block away. I can tell you that there was line wrapped around the block – from the State St store down W. Monroe St. around and down S. Dearborn St.

    Jesse Jackson wasn’t there, though, to fist pump the crowd for the Chicago Democratic Machine. His peeps were not looking enough like “victims”.

holdingmynose | December 1, 2015 at 8:47 am

Reminiscent of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks during the Russian Revolution. We know how that ended for Trotsky.

Sounds like a problem of too many victims, and too few oppressors.

Good. #BlackLivesMatter is nothing but a bunch of cowards and thugs. They could have used their power as a force of good to actually HELP the black community. Instead they’ve taken to protesting on behalf of drug addicts and criminals.

That’s not to say the grassroots activists would be any better, but they have a better shot of actually taking on some of those issues.

#BlackLivesMatter is a bunch of cowards, and I wrote as much recently on my own blog:

The leaders of the movement on both sides are making thousands of dollars per month. These protesters are too stupid to realize they are being manipulated to keep the movement (i.e., the money) flowing.

NC Mountain Girl | December 1, 2015 at 1:15 pm

Local community leaders in Chicago have been wary of Jackson and his shakedown artists for decades now. The pattern has been clear for some time. Jackson hogs the TV cameras and in the process extracts the Danegeld from the establishment. The leaders of various units of government then express concern and hire ever more unionized employees whose actual jobs are to cement the power structure in place. And local ministers who really do care are left consoling mothers whose children still die on the streets.

Follow the money.

Jesse Jackson makes his living doing this stuff. Follow his money.

Follow the money given both to the ‘professional’ activists and to the ‘grassroots’ activists. I’ll bet there is a fair bit of overlap in payments from the various foundations and NGOs that foster these protests.

Maybe they can agree on a common enemy , The Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea , Woger that !!!

They already are. The horrible thing is that innocent children get caught in the crossfire.