Prostitutes over Patriots: Louisiana’s Gubernatorial Runoff Gets Nasty

Well, I suppose this is one way to go.

Democratic candidate for Governor, John Bel Edwards unfurled one seriously nasty ad Friday, attacking his Republican runoff opponent David Vitter of “choosing prostitutes over patriots.”

The runoff election, which is scheduled for November 21, will decide Louisiana’s next governor. Republican Vitter made it into the runoff election by the skin of his teeth, only garnering around 23% of the vote with Edwards receiving close to 40%.

Vitter’s less than stellar general election performance is likely due, at least partially, to the public reminder, courtesy of Edwards, that in 2007 Vitter had been shacking up with ladies of the evening.

This video though, alleges Vitter shunned army vets for a tele-rendezvous with a prostitute.

“I asked for and received forgiveness from God and from my wife in confession and marriage counseling,” Vitter said when the scandal first surfaced years ago. Vitter and his family may have made peace with his past, but his Democratic opponents have not. Which is pretty rich given the Democratic Presidential front-runner’s family history.

This is not the first time Louisiana Democrats have used Vitter’s philandering past against him, but it’s probably the nastiest.

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Tags: Louisiana