Caught on video: Arab woman attempts to stab Israeli man

The Knife Intifada continues, with daily attempted stabbings.

Today in Israel an Arab woman was shot dead by an Israeli security guard at Beitar Ilit. The woman was trying to reach a bus stop in the community, where presumably she would have stabbed waiting passengers or entered the bus and conducted a stabbing attack there.

That’s what the headlines emphasized.

But she was shot only after she pulled out a knife from her pocketbook and lunged at the Israeli man:

(Video source: Col. Peter Lerner Twitter)

I wonder if Amnesty International and the anti-Israel haters in social media will claim Israel planted the knife?

Indeed, the Palestinian Authority is asserting that the woman was shot in an “alleged attack” – which is also how an Amnesty International official described it on Twitter.

Palestinian social media is spreading the image of the woman dead, without any reference to why she was killed:

And a leading anti-Israel American activist is spreading it without context:

In case you were wondering, it was not this woman:

This video offers advice on how to avoid being shot:

[Correction: Apparently the stabber is not dead, she is in the hospital. Initial reports were wrong.]

Tags: Amnesty International, Israel, Max Blumenthal, Terrorism