Can NH Union Leader Endorsement Rescue Chris Christie?

New Jersey governor Chris Christie is still pretty low in the polls. In fact, the Real Clear Politics average has him at 2.7 percent.

Christie has picked up an important endorsement, however, from the conservative leaning New Hampshire newspaper, the Union Leader.

The paper’s publisher, Joseph W. McQuaid writes:

For our safety, our future: Chris Christie for PresidentThanksgiving is just past. Christmas is ahead. We doubt that too many people across New Hampshire have politics front and center right now. But in just 10 weeks, New Hampshire will make a choice that will profoundly affect our country and the world. We better get it right.Our choice is Gov. Chris Christie. As a U.S. attorney and then a big-state governor, he is the one candidate who has the range and type of experience the nation desperately needs.We don’t need another fast-talking, well-meaning freshman U.S. senator trying to run the government. We are still seeing the disastrous effects of the last such choice.Chris Christie is a solid, pro-life conservative who has managed to govern in liberal New Jersey, face down the big public unions, and win a second term. Gov. Christie can work across the aisle, but he won’t get rolled by the bureaucrats. We don’t need as President some well-meaning person from the private sector who has no public experience.Gov. Christie is right for these dangerous times. He has prosecuted terrorists and dealt admirably with major disasters. But the one reason he may be best-suited to lead during these times is because he tells it like it is and isn’t shy about it.

Christie appeared on Media Buzz with Howard Kurtz of Fox News this weekend and explained why he doesn’t want New Jersey to accept any Syrian refugees.

Christie is clearly excited about the Union Leader endorsement:

We’ll see if this moves any poll numbers.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Chris Christie