Make It Stop: Hillary Sends Out Hillary-Themed Costume Ideas

hillary clinton hilloween costume

The Clinton campaign has gone full Hilloween.*

*I hate myself for using that word.

Hate it or not, though, it’s happening. This week Hillary Clinton’s campaign pushed out a list of 5 “DIY Hillary Clinton costumes” guaranteed to make your Halloween a little more…egalitarian? Search me.

You can choose between “Park Ridge Hillary” (white collared blouse and plaid jumper) or “Hipster Hillary” (striped pants and glasses) or “Cold Shoulder Hillary” (a weirdly appropriately-named combination of a cut-up turtleneck and red lipstick)—and away we go!

They’re really flogging the concept:

I’m all for campaigns pushing different or even silly PR lines, but here’s the thing about Halloween, guys—they’re probably making fun of you.

Don’t get me wrong: I’ve seen more than a few Reagan/W. Bush/Washington/Lincoln costumes in my day, worn by people who weren’t actively making fun of Texas accents or powdered wigs. More often than not, though, all we’re doing with these costumes is lobbing up a funny on the way to the bar for a round of jagerbombs.

Case in point: Slutty Trump. Need I say more?

Please don’t make me say more about this.

See also: Romney’s “Binders Full of Women.”

Not nice.

Need I even mention the entirety of this 2013 listicle from Buzzfeed?

(Please tell me you get it.)

Not exactly ringing endorsements.

That being said…anyone want to be the “Cold Shoulder Hillary” to my “Texts from Hillary?” I think I can do the facial expression justice.

h/t Mediaite

Follow Amy on Twitter @ThatAmyMiller

Tags: Halloween, Hillary Clinton