How long before Jeb says: “I’m not going to be ignored, Don”

Based on the media chatter, Marco Rubio is being set up as the alternative to Jeb in taking on The Donald.

Jeb wasn’t up to the job of taking on The Donald.

Jeb’s counterpunches reminded me of George Castanza on Seinfeld.

His comebacks to Trump just never seem to work:

The Donald has moved beyond Jeb, and now is attacking Marco:

And Marco is attacking back:

Sen. Marco Rubio says he wants no part of Donald Trump’s “freak show,” as the Republican presidential hopeful continues to throw jabs at the front-runner.The two candidates have battled through sound bites for the past week, after essentially staying muted on each other for most of the campaign. As Rubio has enjoyed a marked boost in the polls since his performance in the second debate, Trump has gone after Rubio with insults including calling him a “kid” and dinging his voting record this year.The Florida senator has willingly dished it back at Trump, calling him unserious and “touchy.” That continued in an NPR interview on Monday.”I’m not interested in the back and forth to be a member or part of his freak show,” Rubio told NPR.But despite that statement, Rubio quickly ticked off a list of Trump’s recent foibles, including mentioning a speech in South Carolina that had many empty seats and Trump getting booed at Friday’s Value Voters Summit when he called Rubio a “clown.”

I’m so glad the debates have raised the level of discourse.

As for Jeb, being ignored is warning sign. The frontrunner no longer views you as relevant, and the polls back him up.

You know what to do, Jeb:

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio