Hillary was not sorry for her server before she was sorry for it

It appears Mrs. Clinton has changed her tune since Monday. Or maybe she hasn’t. It’s virtually impossible to keep track.

According to ABC News World Tonight reporter David Muir, Hillary Clinton has changed her mind and is now sorry for using a home brewed email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

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Also happening today, Clinton told talk show host Ellen she was, “sorry for the confusion.”

Sorry for the confusion, sorry for the email? Which is it? Wouldn’t we all like to know…

Just yesterday, Clinton said she had no need to apologize saying, “what I did was allowed.”

In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell last Friday, Hillary twice refused to apologize for the very server she’s now sorry for, apparently.

As I wrote Friday:

Embattled Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton descended from her ivory tower Friday to speak with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.“You said recently that using your personal email as Secretary of State was not the best choice and that you take responsibility,” Mitchell began. “Are you sorry?”“Well I certainly wish that I had made a different choice and I know why the American people have questions about it and I want to make sure and I want to make sure that I answer those questions,” said Clinton….Again Mitchell asks Clinton if she’s sorry and if she would like to apologize to the American people for the choice you made.“Well it wasn’t the best choice. I certainly have said that, I will continue to say that as I’ve also said many times, it was allowed, it was fully above board, the people in the government knew that I was using a personal account but it would’ve been better if I had had two separate accounts to begin with,” said Clinton.So, no. She’s not sorry.

Sorry? Not sorry? Your guess is as good as mine.


Follow Kemberlee Kaye on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton