Vultures circling Hillary: Al Gore insiders talking up potential run (Update: Heartbreak)

Hillary is politically wounded by her never-ending email scandal, which keeps sucking the life out of her favorability ratings, and has Democrats panicked with fear:

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.” “Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being 10 times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn’t a crime,” said another progressive strategist. “The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably, in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn’t necessary and looks nefarious.”

Joe Biden insiders are making it known he’s seriously considering a run in the wake of Hillary’s stumbles and Bernie Sanders’ surprising surge.

Elizabeth Warren is a likely entrant if Hillary falls further and Democrats seek a savior.

Even John Kerry — just before Hillary’s current troubles started — said “Nobody says never“‘ — so he must be relishing a run now, particularly if he cements the Iran deal.

But the best sign that Hillary is in trouble is that even Al Gore insiders are talking up a potential run.

Yes, Al Gore.

From Buzzfeed, Al Gore Insiders “Figuring Out If There’s A Path” For Him To Run:

Supporters of Al Gore have begun a round of conversations among themselves and with the former vice president about his running for president in 2016, the latest sign that top Democrats have serious doubts that Hillary Clinton is a sure thing.Gore, 67, won the popular vote in the 2000 election, and has been mentioned as a possible candidate in every contested Democratic primary since then. He instead spent much of the 2000s focused on environmental campaigning and business ventures. He has largely slipped out of public view more recent years.But in recent days, “they’re getting the old gang together,” a senior Democrat told BuzzFeed News.“They’re figuring out if there’s a path financially and politically,” the Democrat said. “It feels more real than it has in the past months.”The senior Democrat and other sources cautioned not to overstate Gore’s interest. He has not made any formal or informal moves toward running, or even met with his political advisers about a potential run.A member of Gore’s inner circle asked to be quoted “pouring lukewarm water” — not, note, cold water — on the chatter.“This is people talking to people, some of whom may or may not have talked to him,” the Gore adviser said.

This is how it starts.

Words, just words, whispered anonymously to Buzzfeed.

I hope Gore runs.

My money though, is still on Liz.

Update 8-14-2015. Looks like we have conflicting “adviser” reports.

From Politico, Al Gore not planning to run against Hillary, advisers say

Despite some hopeful speculation among Democrats that Al Gore might jump into the 2016 presidential race in the face of Hillary Clinton’s troubles, people close to the former vice president and Democratic nominee say he’s not considering it.“There’s no truth to it. He’s laser-focused on solving the climate crisis,” Gore spokeswoman Betsy McManus told POLITICO Thursday evening.

You can’t take away our dreams.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton