There really isn’t much to smile about these days.
Looking for something to write about tonight was an exercise in been there, done that:
(1) Obama-Kerry anointing Iran regional nuclear hegemon at Israel’s expense, and belittling people who disagree – √
(2) Anti-Israel propaganda machine firing on all cylinders – √
(3) Planned Parenthood sells baby parts for money AND fun, and Democrats call it health care – √
(4) Vile race-baiting by progressives – √
(5) Hillary Clintonism – √
(6) Trump ushering in end-world scenario for Republicans – √
And then I saw these photos of George W. Bush reporting for jury duty, via Dallas Morning News:
Being summoned for jury duty at the George L Allen Sr Courts Building in downtown Dallas was anything but dull for Sheri Coleman.
In fact, Coleman and other jurors were in for quite the surprise Wednesday morning when former President George W. Bush also showed up for jury duty at Judge Eric Moye’s court on the 14th civil district.
“They made it seem like it was an anonymous juror that never showed up and then they brought him in,” she said.
Coleman, of Dallas, said Bush spent time talking to the other jurors and took photos and spoke with everyone. She said the president’s visit was “awesome” and “surprising.”
“He was very personable, very friendly, just ‘hey I’m here to serve,’ he asked questions and was very nice,” she said. “I loved it.” …
Moye said he found out this morning that the former president had been assigned to his courtroom and said having Bush in his courtroom was “quite an experience.”
“It would be great if everyone took their jury service the same way [Bush] did,” he said. “He understood it was important, he took it in good nature and he was engaged and talked to the lawyers.” …
“One of the remarks I made to jury was all of you have some reason why you have to do something else,” he said. “But take a look over and see you have the former president who has given his time to be here, so think how good your excuses for getting out of here really are.”
Moye said Bush was “incredibly gracious” to all of the court staff and took photos with bailiffs, clerks and even the summer interns.
“He made sure it was a wonderful experience,” he said.
Joel Ehambe, another potential juror, said he sat just in front of the former president.
“I turned around and he was seated right behind me and I said, “I think I know that guy,” he said. “Then the judge introduced him and said it was an honor to have the former president of the United States in the court.”
Ehambe said he was nervous at first to be in the same room as the former president, but Bush helped put everyone at ease.
“He was laughing and talking and it helped ease the tension,” he said.
Via Mashable:
Bush took photos with several jurors, some of whom uploaded the pictures to Twitter.
This judge was impressed:
As were jurors:
Sure, now I’m smiling.
So long as I don’t think about that checklist, or our current President and Secretary of State.

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He’s a Citizen… just like us!
A very nice man.
I wonder how much he charged them for each picture? Hillary gets $2,700 for a picture with her from her supporters. :}
Just kidding. We all know that Bush’s decency more than males up for his faults.
Nigerian Human Rights Activist Blasts Obama; Says Bush Did More For Africa
During an event Tuesday at the Washington-based Family Research Council, a Nigerian civil rights activist and attorney said that George W. Bush – not Barack Obama – will be remembered for his legacy of helping the African people.
“President Bush will really be remembered as the president who had the most impact on Africa of the last three presidents,” said Emmanuel Obege. “I think they’re (sic) no doubt about it.”
Class. That’s what. W and Laura both. Just classy people.
Compare and contrast…
The sad thing to think about is the media, along with Democrats in leadership positions, have always known how classy and honorable George W. Bush is, and still savaged him and encouraged their supporters to do the same.
Thanks for the wonderful post, Professor. That was a very welcome breath of fresh air.
Do I find it surprising the man who personally wrote to the family of every soldier lost when he put them in harm’s way does his duty as a private citizen with warmth and humility and respect for both the process and all those involved in it?
No, I am not, not at all.
– –
Now, if I heard the same thing about his successor or predecessor, I would fall out of my chair.
The only way W’s predecessor and successor will be in a court room is if they are defendants in a criminal case (we can only hope).
Last I heard, Sonny Bush, who personally wrote to the family of every soldier lost when he put them in harm’s way, was charging $100,000. oo for speaking to Veterans groups. Did Sonny ever return any of this $?
Hillary charges $300,000. That, of course, means she is three times worse. Right?
Bush reduced his normal fee of $250,000 and the organization raised $2.5 million. The next year, without Bush, they raised $1 million.
Even a Common Core math student can figure out the linkage to that.
So he kept the $100,000. Thank you.
“He’s a Citizen” The important thing is, he thinks of himself that way. That makes all the difference.
OK, he’s a nice guy. That still doesn’t excuse the Patriot Act, runaway Republican spending, or the frequently feckless conduct of the WOT. ‘Nice guy and better than his successor’ is about it.
“Runaway Republican spending”?
Did you see what happened to spending when the petulant American people replaced the Pub Congress in 2006 with a Dem Congress in 2007? And then elected Champ in 2008?
I long for the 2005 days of “runaway Republican spending”.
Feckless conduct of the WOT?
In case you’ve forgotten your history, no war goes according to plan, and anyone who fights a war discovers that the other side has a vote. When Bush was done Iraq was stable, Libya and Iran were in boxes, terrorists elsewhere were skulking about rather than planning openly, and there was no ISIS.
I long for that sort of “feckless” conduct.
Patriot act?
Yeah, stupid law. Bipartisan stupid law. Remind me about the attempts to repeal it now that Bush is no longer President.
I have a question, if there is anyone who is adept at searching.
Did W. serve jury duty BEFORE he was Pres (my guess is yes, but do not know.)
Part 2- Did O. ever serve jury duty?
It seems these should be a matter of record, is W. a public record and O. “sealed”….?
just curious, though unnecessary, and pointless…
a rather “progressive” nosiness…
to be used loudly and contentiously with no value.
Thank you Professor Jacobson…an article I could read with my coffee… your accurate checklist is ever present.
Who in hell would want Obama on a jury?
Oh, a bunch of greedy personal injury trial lawyers who seek the lowest common denominator . . .
but, but, but…. shrub, chimpy, no WMD, bush/hitler, bush lied…
/sarc off
What a fine specimen of decency and humanity! Not a single critic can measure up to him.
Can you imagine, if this had not been in Dallas, but some liberal hell hole like NY, LA, or Chicago? He probably would have been physically attacked.
Well, the Secret Service guys wouldn’t let that happen, but you know what I mean.
Very classy.
I thank God that the signature on my US Navy retirement certificate is his and not his successor’s.
Hah! Got you beat – mine has President Reagan’s signature.
An honest, decent and happy man. There’s hope for America. More Harry Truman than the whole batch since Ike.
I have to correct your glaring historical ignorance.
Truman was a WORSE Collectivist than FDR, and a racial bigot.
After Truman, was of course Ronald Reagan. George H. W. Bush was an honest (for a pol), decent and happy man. Still is. I think Ford would also fit in that category.