Rep. Mia Love: “I do not trust our administration” on Iran nuke deal

Longtime readers know the history of Legal Insurrection and Mia Love, whose success was one of the most satisfying moments for Legal Insurrection.

This interview with Lou Dobbs shows why we’ve supported her since the start.

Via Washington Examiner. Love became very emotional when discussing the Planned Parenthood videos:

Freshman Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, had to wipe away tears while talking about the undercover Planned Parenthood videos on the Fox Business network Wednesday night.”It’s our job to protect those who do not have a voice to protect themselves, and to see what is actually happening to babies while they’re still alive, I mean, it’s horrific,” said Love.“This is not about a Right or Left issue – this is right or wrong, and whether we are going to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, or if we’re going to just turn a blind eye and pretend that this is not happening,” she added, wiping away tears….”This is who we are as Americans; our job is to protect human life,” said Love as tears streamed down her face. Love said she has “always been pro-life” and that as a mother and wife, she wants the American people to know what is happening and “stand up” to protect life.

On Iran, she was just as powerful:

“I am going to vote No on this Iran deal, and I am going to get every single person that I can to come along with me….This is not either the deal or war, this is the deal leads us to war. We’re not merely kicking the can down the road, we’re kicking nuclear bombs down the road, ….We have been lied to, which we found out by the administration, we asked them to give us every single information that they have, and they’ve been vague at best. I do not trust our administration, and I certainly don’t trust Iran.”

Tags: Abortion, Iran Nuclear Deal, Mia B. Love, Planned Parenthood