Yes, Hillary’s emails did contain classified information

Remember all the fanfare over Hillary Clinton releasing her emails and claiming that there wasn’t any classified information in any of them?

Hillary absolutely denied ever sending classified material during her UN press conference:

QUESTION: Were you ever — were you ever specifically briefed on the security implications of using — using your own email server and using your personal address to email with the president?CLINTON: I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.So I’m certainly well-aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.

At the time, Professor Jacobson expressed skepticism about Hillary’s claims:

As Secretary of State, Hillary presumably received classified and other protected information via email at least on occasion, since it was her only email account. That distinguishes her from predecessors, who at least had government email accounts.We need more facts on her usage, but if Hillary maintained classified documents (including emails) on an unclassified computer device and email account, that could raise much more serious issues than the records violation.

The State Department has now redacted two dozen of her emails. Because some of the material was classified.

David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon reported:

NYT Reporter: State Dept. Redacted Two-Dozen Clinton Emails Despite Her Saying There Was No Classified Information On ThemNew York Times reporter Michael Schmidt revealed Wednesday that the State Department had gone back and classified two-dozen of Hillary Clinton’s emails from when she was Secretary of State.This again refutes Clinton’s claim that she never emailed anything sensitive enough to be classified on her private server.“What happened last night was kind of interesting,” Schmidt said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “The State Department went back and said they’d classified about two-dozen of her emails, portions of them, saying that information in them was now classified. They said it wasn’t classified at the time but it had to be redacted in the emails. Now if you’ll recall, she has said there was no classified information on the emails, but people in the State Department have said to me that they thought it was hard to believe that of all these 55,000 emails that she didn’t have anything sensitive, and apparently it’s sensitive enough now to not be disclosed.”Another trove of emails was released late Tuesday evening by State, revealing, among other things, an expansive role by liberal family friend Sidney Blumenthal.

Watch the video below:

FOX News has more:

State Dept. withholds ‘classified’ info from Clinton emails, despite claim of ‘no classified material’A State Department spokesman said Wednesday that details from 25 emails were deemed classified and withheld from the 3,000-page trove of Hillary Clinton documents released overnight — despite the former secretary of state claiming she never sent classified material on her personal email.State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged at a briefing that details from the 25 emails are now considered “classified.” The messages were released, with those portions redacted.However, Clinton declared in March that she “did not email any classified material to anyone” on her account. “There is no classified material. So I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material,” Clinton said at the time, shortly before declaring her Democratic presidential bid.

Let me guess, it depends on what the meaning of classified is?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, State Department