Marco Rubio, Rich Republican?
First, Rubio had money trouble. Now, Rubio is too rich to understand the plight of the little people?
When a 2 or 3 year old is caught doing something wrong, they often react with complete shock they did something wrong. They genuinely believe whatever it is they were doing was perfectly fine and cannot comprehend why they’re being scolded. The media is often like that of a small child. A toddler.
At the start of June, the NY Times and Washington Post weighed in with articles about Marco Rubio’s finances. The headline at the NY Times read, “Marco Rubio’s Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles.”
Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post quipped, “Here’s the real issue with Marco Rubio’s finances” and wrote:
That’s all totally fine. If Rubio wants a boat, he can buy a boat. The issue for Rubio is that he is investing so much of his appeal on his “I have lived the American Dream” story that he necessarily has to accept that that story will be inspected closely to see what it tells us about him and how he might run the government if he is entrusted with doing so.
Buying a boat when you insist finances are tight or cashing out a $68,000 retirement fund or selling a house for $18,000 less than you paid for it 10 years ago — all of which is in the Times story — do raise questions about Rubio’s financial judgment. They are not questions that can’t be effectively answered, but they are questions worth raising when a person is running, at least in part, to manage the country’s finances.
The country is $18 trillion in debt despite being run by hundreds of people who are no doubt, financially solvent.
The “story” was so silly that even Jon Stewart slammed the NY Times for covering it (along with the breaking news about Rubio’s traffic tickets):
Naturally, the “Rubio is so irresponsible with money we can’t allow him to run the county ” narrative did not stick, the media looks like they are going to return to their usual angle when it comes to Republicans: They’re rich!
Here’s a new story in the Washington Post. The headline reads:
How Marco Rubio turned political star power into a soaring personal income.
Imagine that. And just how rich is Marco Rubio?
Although he began his legislative career as a man of modest means, Rubio in 2008 reached an income level that placed him in the top 1 percent of American earners. His outside work included helping real estate developers navigate city hall bureaucracies, assisting a law firm in adding ethnic diversity to its client base and lawyer roster, teaching college-level political science classes, and coordinating conference calls for a Washington lobbyist seeking federal funding for Miami hospitals.
Rubio’s annual income grew from about $72,000 when he was elected to the state House in 2000 to $414,000 in 2008, when his two-year speakership ended, according to financial disclosure forms and interviews with Rubio campaign staff members.
He’s part of the Top 1 Percent!
This is precisely the type of silliness we should expect from the media during the GOP primary. That silliness will go to eleven once the general election starts. In the meantime, the media will give a wink and nod to the Clintons who have earned $30 million… since January of 2014.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
I’d venture to say that there isn’t anyone in the Congress who is NOT in the “1%”.
Which “1%”, as it happens, is where the vast bulk of income tax revenue derives.
Hillary made four years of Rubio’s top salary off a single uranium deal.
“Rubio’s annual income grew from about $72,000 when he was elected to the state House in 2000 to $414,000 in 2008…”
So his annual income grew from a few $k over what Chelsea Clinton rakes in for a 50 minute appearance to almost $100k less than what the oligarchs in Moscow will pay Bill Clinton for a half hour speech.
Or in other words his annual income grew to about what Hillary Clinton overcharges universities for two half hour speeches, at her special discounted children’s rate.
And that makes Marco Rubio too rich and out of touch. Not the Clinton crime family.
“It’s only string”
“Only string? It’s Everything!…It’s waterproof!”
“No it isn’t”
“Alright it’s water-resistant then!”
“It isn’t”
“Alright it’s water-absorbant! It’s super-absorbant string! Away with floods!”
“You just said it was waterproof”
Old and Busted: Rubio is too poor to represent you!
New and Busted: Rubio is too rich to represent you!
Next thing is Rubio does not have a college education and therefore, is not qualified to run the United States.
Rush had a story yesterday, about a guy that put up some photos of four different houses, with the prices on them. He asked passers byes who owned these houses. Everyone of them said Rubio. When the guy told them that the houses all belonged to the Clintoons, they were shocked. Some still insisted that those houses belonged to Rubio.
Isn’t Sen. Harry Reid famous (notorious?) for having leveraged public service to become personally rich?
Harry gets by with a little help from his friends. Sure, he’s become rich from it, but they have become very, very rich from his help. Think of it as a tip for good service.
Harry does.
Dirty Harry forgot that to his chagrin, He found his way after that little session with Guido and the boys last New Year’s Eve.
Clearly Hillay Clinton is more in touch with average Americans as they gather around their kitchen tables to make tough choices:
Like deciding whether to wait til 5:00 to jet off in the Gulfstream G3 or just settle for the crappy little Lear at 2:00.