Is this the dumbest thing Hillary Clinton has said so far?

vote for ovaries 2016 hillary clinton scandal president campaign women vote for me because i'm a woman

Speaking in South Carolina Thursday, Hillary dropped an atomic gaffe.

Of all the idiocy that’s seeped out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth, this just might take the cake as the dumbest thing she’s said so far.

Ruby Cramer, the Buzzfeed political reporter on the Hillary beat captured the moment on social media:


It’s hard to pick the most delicious part of Hillary’s statement. Is it that based solely on her anatomy (shudders) she should receive our votes? Is it that she completely negated traditional feminism and exposed modern feminism? Or is the best part that she believes that her ovaries merit stewardship of the White House?

In the case of the latter, I would rather vote for a pair of ovaries than for someone who thinks reproductive organs make one qualified for the highest office in the land.

The reader may remember a focus group of Iowa Democrats who struggled to name one accomplishment of Hillary’s. In the absence of actual accomplishments, perhaps ovaries are the only “accomplishment” Hillary can muster. Conversely, not once has Carly Fiorina suggested her womanhood should be a determining factor in her electability.

Democrats must be really embarrassed.

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Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton