Hillary Defends Planned Parenthood After “Attack”

If you listen to Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media, you might think Planned Parenthood is a victim and not the unborn babies whose organs were harvested and bargained over like a bunch of spare parts.

Our watchdog media hasn’t thrust a microphone into Mrs. Clinton’s face asking for comment like they would do with Republicans, they’ve just allowed her to address the scandal on her own terms, and in Hillary’s world, it’s Planned Parenthood which needs defending.

Here’s a recent report from Alex Seitz-Wald at NBC News:

Hillary Clinton Defends Embattled Planned ParenthoodHillary Clinton strongly defended Planned Parenthood Thursday as the women’s health organization reels from the fallout over a sting video released by anti-abortion activists earlier this month.“For more than a century, Planned Parenthood has provided essential services for women,” Clinton said while campaigning at a community college in Greenville, South Carolina. “And I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years. And it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to chose.”

Here’s a video of Hillary’s comments via CBS News:

Kristinn Taylor of the Gateway Pundit reports that Democrats want to investigate the group which exposed all of this, not Planned Parenthood.

No matter where you stand on the issue of abortion, it’s rather stunning to hear the Democratic Party’s leading presidential candidate defending the discussion of baby hearts, lungs and livers as items for sale.

Twitchy has a round-up of reactions:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Planned Parenthood