Carly Fiorina Wows Crowd at Reagan Library

Donald Trump’s grenade-like candidacy has sucked a lot of media oxygen from other Republican presidential hopefuls, but Carly Fiorina recently launched into an impressive foreign policy speech at the Reagan Library that should really be an attention-getter.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO targeted Iran, China and the current administration…and her proposals were very well received by an enthusiastic audience.

… She repeatedly assailed the “political class” for their incompetence and pusillanimity — and called out the spinelessness of the current administration for bargaining with our enemies and alienating our friends. She also offered warnings for America and optimism….On her first day as president: “On my first day in the Oval Office I will make two phone calls. The first will be to my friend Bibi Netanyahu to reassure him that the United States of America will always stand with the state of Israel. My second phone call will be to the Supreme Leader of Iran. Realistically, he might not take my phone call. He will get the message. And the message is this: [No] deal. Unless and until you are prepared to open every military facility and every nuclear facility to full and unfettered ‘anytime, anywhere’ inspections, we will make it as difficult as possible for you to move money around the global financial system.” 

California citizen activist Karen Siegemund, head of Rage Against the Media, attended the talk and was extremely impressed.

She radiates leadership in a way that few people do, and that not many, if any, of our candidates do. This woman is formidable, far more so than the rest of the field, it seems to me. If she were to walk into a room to meet Vladimir Putin, he would soon realize he’s met his match. She is not someone who can be fooled, tricked, or sweet-talked. This is no Chamberlain. Her intelligence and depth of knowledge are very apparent. And key to all this is her understanding that conservatism is the answer to core foreign policy issues.She was very specific in her criticism of Obama’s foreign policy actions, every one of them, mocked the idea of the “reset button gimmick” and “bring back our girls,” tying Hillary to that criticism. She was eloquent – quoted Reagan and Thatcher, and seems to have conservatism and love of country in her veins.”

Siegemund indicates that Fiornia’s presentation was worthy of a true “statesman,” and I would assert that this demeanor contrasts remarkably with that presented by Trump when he discusses global politics.

Fioria is still struggling to climb up in the polls, and perhaps it is because Trump has been selected as the “Washington outsider” by the elite press that relishes the dynamic fodder the business mogul provides. I sure hope she garners enough numbers to be in the August 6th Fox News debates, as she adds some much needed gravitas.

Hers is the only candidacy that I have followed closely, as it is the only one I find personally inspiring.  Fiorina’s attacks have not been on fellow Republicans, which is refreshing.  Fiorina has set her sights on the proper targets: Hillary Clinton and the Democratic machine.

Fiorina is firm and direct with the mainstream media, and knows how to handle a hostile press environment.  I would love to see a debate encounter between Fiorna and Candy Crowley on the subject of Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.  It would be glorious!  Mitt Romney should endorse Fiorina for the potential of that match-up alone.

Another presidential hopeful already appreciates Fiorina’s potential:

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested Thursday that he could put Carly Fiorina on his 2016 ticket if he were he to win his party’s presidential nomination.“I’ll tell you from my perspective one of the people who I’ve dealt with over the course of the years that possibly may be on that stage with me, Carly Fiorina,” Perry said on Fox Business Network of the former tech executive and current presidential competitor.“That’s the type of really savvy individual that I think makes a lot of sense to have around you whether it’s in a cabinet or as a running mate,” he added. “She is a very, very capable, smart, savvy business woman … and by the way she was born in Texas, so that’s another plus for her.”

Should Perry snag Fiorina for the second spot, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s poached from California, either.

2016 is shaping up to be an election unlike any other.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry