Carly Fiorina at her absolute best

We are fans of Carly Fiorina. She should be on the stage at the debates, though it’s not clear she will be.

Fiorina has shown an ability to take on hostile questioners with a smile, as she slices and dices liberal talking points.

That’s why we have featured videos of her appearances several times. And it’s why we were so disappointed in her Buzzfeed video.

In this video, via Steven Crowder, Fiorina is at the top of her game. The interview is from late May, but it’s a prime example of why Fiorina should be on the national stage:

“The scientists that tell us that climate change is real and caused by man made activity, also tell us that a single nation acting alone can make no difference at all. So, when I see a state like California destroy lives and livelihoods with environmental regulations that will make no difference at all to climate change, when I see the Obama administration take that same regulation and apply it nationally – it will make not difference at all, yet we’re destroying people’s lives and livelihoods – I wonder, why are we doing this? Why are we doing this when it won’t have any impact? So I think the answer to this problem is innovation, not regulation.But I must say, it angers me when liberals says “I’m prepared for you to lose your job in the name of sending a signal to…” whom? China could care less? In fact, China is delighted that we are not spending any time or energy figuring out clean coal, because they’re going to go do it.”

From the same interview, Carly takes on Hillary’s experience and trustworthiness:

On abortion, Fiorina easily handled Kouric’s obsession with abortion as a divisive issue, focusing on late term abortions, the “common ground”:

The full interview is here.

My goodness, when Fiorina is on target, there are few better than she is.

Stay on target, Carly, stay on target.

Tags: Carly Fiorina, Media Bias