Tory! Tory! Tory! Election losers sneak attack on London

David Cameron’s Conservative Party surprisingly won an absolute majority in the British parliament.

Best of all, George Galloway and his merry band of Jew-baiters and anti-Israel maniacs were voted out.

With a Conservative Party majority, welfare and other fiscal reforms should pass.

That has the sore election losers unhappy.

Needless to say, not all of the tweets and text below are safe for work:

Nothing says sore loser like defacing a Women’s WWII Monument, Anti-Tory protesters deface war monument on Whitehall:

Downing Street has condemned the defacing of a war monument on Whitehall by anti-austerity protesters as “despicable”.The words “f*** Tory scum” were daubed in red paint on the Women’s War Memorial in Whitehall on Saturday, just a stone’s throw from a VE Day celebration concert at London’s Horse Guards Parade.Four police officers and one other member of police staff were injured, with two needing hospital treatment, as campaigners descendedon Downing Street to protest against the new Conservative government.

Worst of all, the protesters wasted food:

Some protesters hurled biscuits, cups and paper planes at the police as they were driven away from Downing Street, chanting “get the Tories out” and “power to the people”.

Here are some more:

And yes, there was mockery of the protests:

Tags: Britain, David Cameron