Cartoonist: “I understand the threat that we face”

We have been following the fallout from the shootings that centered around a “Draw Mohammed” event.

Most of the media is honing in on blaming the victims, as if Pam Geller had it coming to her.

Noah Rothman at Hot Air writes, The toxic implication that Pamela Geller had last night’s terror attack in Texas coming:

When political commentators note that there is no justification for sexual violence, they aren’t adhering to doctrinal feminism but the tenets of civilized Western thought. No woman, a responsible citizen would say, invites violence merely because their assailant was uncontrollably stimulated by their victim’s choice of attire. This is such a bedrock principle of human decency that it barely needs to be said. Only the most brutish and crude among us would contend otherwise. Why then does it appear vogue to imply that a terrorist attack on a Texas American Freedom Defense Initiative event organized by the group’s president, Pamela Geller, was the inevitable result of provocation on the part of the victims?

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, and promises more:

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack outside a Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas — and warned of more attacks to come.In a broadcast on its official radio channel Tuesday, the group said two Al Khilafa soldiers opened fire outside the event in Garland, a Dallas suburb. Al Khilafa is how ISIS refers to its soldiers.The gunmen, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, wounded a security guard before police shot and killed them.The ISIS radio announcer also referred to Simpson and Soofi as the terror group’s “brothers.” The announcement ended with this warning:”We say to the defenders of the cross, the U.S., that future attacks are going to be harsher and worse. The Islamic State soldiers will inflict harm on you with the grace of God. The future is just around the corner.”

It turns out that the winner of the “Draw the Prophet” contest, Bosch Fawstin, was previously featured at Legal Insurrection when I covered a special conference organized by conservative talk show host Tammy Bruce:

And the story of the second speaker, Bosch Fawstin, is inspiring indeed.  Bosch is an outstanding graphic artist.  Unlike Legal Insurrection’s super-talented A.F. Branco, Bosch doesn’t do political cartoons so much as super-hero, comic-book inspired work.  The basis for his art is the passion derived from being a former Muslim greatly angered by the  events of September 11, 2001.Needless to say, DC and Marvel comics won’t be picking up his work soon, so check it out HERE.

Fawstin was interviewed on Greta after the shooting:

Here is a tweet with his winning entry:

Fawstin explains his inspiration:

Bosch Fawstin, winner of the “Draw the Prophet” contest in Garland, Texas, says the shooting deaths of two attackers outside the building where the contest took place Sunday shows why Americans must continue to stand for free speech.”I never set out to draw Muhammad. I never set out to become a critic of Islam until post-9/11, until the Danish cartoons. That’s when we were all forced into this defense of free speech,” Fawstin said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” “We have to defend it as artists, as writers, as thinkers,” he said. Defenders of free speech must hit back not with violence but with the truth, he said. “With our art, with our writing … we can’t be cowed by this, because once free speech goes, it’s over.”

The talented artist walked away with $10,000 in prize money…richly deserved. When specifically asked about the shooting, Fawstin simply responded:

For those of you who what to hear more from Fawstin, here is the Canto Talk show that features my interview with Fawstin:

Check Out Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio
Tags: Terrorism, Texas