White Privilege and White Supremacy: No White People Required

White supremacy, white privilege, whatever you want to call it, it’s the attempt to “other” white people in America and to essentially blame all problems encountered by minorities on “white” power structures and on “white” justice systems. Obama and Eric Holder are big proponents, as we know, and as we’ve seen recently, so are all sorts of people in positions of power from the Al Sharptons right down to the local “community organizer.”

The good news is that you don’t have to actually participate in this as a white person . . .  or even be aware of it, actually. If you’re white (and male–doubly bad), you are racist even if you think you aren’t, and you bask in a privilege that encircles you like a fluffy protective bubble, bouncing you from opportunity to opportunity from riches to more riches. All because you are white.

Don’t try to confuse the issue by noting that the president, former attorney general, and various well-paid MSNBC host proponents of white privilege are not actually white and are, by anyone’s definition, privileged. This doesn’t matter. Because white privilege! As Rick Moran writes:

What makes the academic study of “white supremacy” and “white privilege” so perfect for racialists is that it requires absolutely no parameters of study. There are no standards of proof. There is no way any claims can be vetted in peer-reviewed journals because the “evidence” can be explained by other factors. Anything and everything can be pointed to as being a result of white supremacy or white privilege because of one’s personal worldview — looking at the entire world through a prism of race.And apparently, you don’t even need a white person around for white supremacy to rear its ugly head.

This is just as absurd as it sounds, but it is what is behind much public policy today. From our universities to our local police stations, from the federal government to our local places of worship (well, the “white” ones), our culture is being fundamentally transformed.

The latest incarnation is taking place with regard to local police forces, forces that the far left apparently wants to federalize.  In Baltimore, where Freddie Gray died while in police custody, the entire power structure is black.  You’d think this would be a cause for celebration after all the hand-wringing about the Ferguson power structure and police force being “too white.”  But no, as  Moran reports:

On Melissa Harris-Perry’s MSNBC show, Cherrell Brown, identified as a “community organizer,” was referencing the tragedy in Baltimore where a young black man died in transport on the way to the police precinct. When it was pointed out that Baltimore’s entire power structure is black — the mayor, the chief of police, etc. — Ms. Brown proceeded to spew inane nonsense about white supremacy that shocks a rational mind.

Indeed, one of the strange assertions this community organizer made is that modern policing began as, and you can’t make this stuff up, “slave patrols.”  So I guess in this explanation, Baltimore’s black power structure is acting on “white slave patrol” constructs?  It really is mind-boggling (from Moran, above):

HARRIS-PERRY: “It feels to me like part of what’s happening here is — when I say biking while black, we talked about walking while black, in the case in the Freddie gray watching the video and seeing and hearing his agony I keep wondering is there no benefit of a doubt given to a black person in public space. If that is true, if riding an expensive bike in black body inherently generates suspicion then that is the new Jim crow. That’s what Jim crow was is that black bodies in public space are inherently suspicion.”BROWN: “Yes. I want to mention two things — I think it’s so ingrained that you don’t have to have a white person around to have white supremacy play out.”HARRIS-PERRY: “Just pause for a second. What you just said there is going to be difficult for some folks to hear because the discourse of white supremacy can often mean academic discourse. But for ordinary people sitting at home may say did she call all white people racist. So tease that out a little bit.”BROWN: “I will do my best.”HARRIS-PERRY: “I recognize that it’s hard on a TV show.”BROWN: “With an institution like American policing that I believe is founded on anti-blackness, on slave patrols there are things so institutionally ingrained in terms of how we police communities that are anti-black.  [emphasis added]

Stunning.  But as it turns out, even though there is no white power structure to blame in Baltimore, the problem is still white privilege, power, supremacy, something or other.  As Moran notes:

In addition to desperately casting about for a scapegoat in the Freddy Gray tragedy because there is no ‘white power structure’ in Baltimore, Brown has to totally invent an invisible racist to blame. It’s perfectly in keeping with the academic notion that all white people subconsciously throw around white privilege and practice white supremacy without even knowing it. We can’t help it — we are inherently anti-black — and we should thank the racialists for pointing out the error of our ways.

How do we combat this bizarreness when we can’t argue that we aren’t privileged or racist because according to this “theory” we are without knowing it?  We have to start where the left does:  in our schools.

Tags: White Privilege