FOX News Special: The Tangled Clinton Web

FOX News is airing a special which examines claims made by the new book Clinton Cash.

Special Report host Bret Baier interviews author Peter Schweizer and investigates alleged abuses of power and money by the Clintons from the efforts to rebuild Haiti to the questionable Uranium deal that benefited Russia.

The special premiered last night and airs again today at 5 PM, Sunday at 3 PM and 10 PM.

Baier offered a preview yesterday which you can watch below.

If you don’t have time to watch, John Hayward of Breitbart has written a review:

FOX News Reports on the Tangled Web of Clinton CashIt’s all pretty overwhelming when put together in one place. The Clinton hatchet men and spin doctors trying to wish this mess out to the cornfield look ridiculous.All those favorable deals and special waivers given to foreign companies right after they slipped wads of cash to the Clinton Foundation, and tucked insane six-figure speaking fees into Bill and Hillary’s pockets? Why, that was all just an amazing string of coincidences, stretching out over decades, and adding up to over a billion dollars of Clinton loot!Sure, it’s pure coincidence that disaster-ravaged Haiti’s first gold-mining permits in 50 years just happened to go to an inexperienced mining company that had Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham on its board.It’s just a roll of the dice, a stroke of random fate, that cell phone company Digicel sucked up lucrative contracts and came to dominate the Haitian market after its billionaire owner wrote a few seven-figure checks to the Clinton Foundation and arranged ridiculously overpaid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton, who just happened to have a commanding position in the Haitian relief effort.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bill Clinton, Fox News, Haiti, Hillary Clinton