One thing I’ve learned over the years is to screen shot, save on Wayback Macnine, or download any key evidence found on the internet. Too many times I’ve gone back to a link and it’s gone, and Google Cache can’t be counted on to have preserved the evidence.
So when I learned in early February that a UCLA student applying for a student judicial board slot was questioned by the Student Council as to whether she could be fair because she was Jewish and involved in Jewish groups, I wrote it up, UCLA student gov’t candidate challenged for being Jewish (February 12, 2015).
I also downloaded the over 4 hour live feed, and excerpted the approximately 40 minute segment, which I uploaded to YouTube.
As mentioned yesterday, discriminatory questioning of the Jewish student by the UCLA Student Council has gone national, Mainstream media wakes up to BDS-Anti-Semitism connection.
It’s a good thing I saved the evidence, because the Student Council took down the original live stream video, as HuffPo explains, UCLA’s Student Council Tries To Hide Video Of Its Members Questioning A Jewish Student (emphasis added):
The university’s [Undergraduate Students Association Council] typically posts recordings of its meetings on YouTube. But the student government took down the footage of a Feb. 10 meeting where several students questioned whether Rachel Beyda, a Jewish candidate for the school’s judicial board, could be “unbiased” given her religion.Various news reports on the controversy this week prompted the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to call on the university to put the video back online Friday. But the university told The Huffington Post that the decision to pull the video was made by the USAC’s internal vice president’s office….The group StandWithUs, a pro-Israel education and advocacy organization, is circulating a clipped video of the controversial meeting. Legal Insurrection, a conservative blog, has uploaded the full video of the meeting as it pertains to Beyda’s nomination.
The networks are using our video as their source:
I love when this happens.