Top Dem Strategist on Christie: “We want to kill him dead.”

Remember a few years ago when Democrats took to lecturing conservatives about a new tone?

They don’t.

Brad Woodhouse, former DNC communications chief and current President of liberal super PAC American Bridge, recently made some rather unsavory comments about New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

Alex Pappas of The Daily Caller reported:

Democratic Super PAC Goes After Chris Christie: ‘We Want To Kill Him Dead’The president of a Democrat super PAC dedicated to digging up opposition research on Republicans said of New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie: “We want to kill him dead.”Brad Woodhouse, the president of the liberal super PAC American Bridge, made the provocative comments in a profile of the organization published by Bloomberg Politics.The story notes that American Bridge would not back off its attacks on Christie. “We’re not going to pull resources from Christie,” Woodhouse told the outlet. “We want to kill him dead.”Woodhouse, a longtime Democratic operative, has often accused Republicans of using offensive rhetoric against President Obama. But on Thursday, Woodhouse seemed proud of his quote, retweeting it several times in his Twitter feed.

If nothing else, you have to love the fact that Christie is being attacked by a liberal group called American Bridge.

The Republican Party has issued an official response:

RNC Statement on American Bridge AttackWASHINGTON – RNC Communications Director and Chief Strategist Sean Spicer issued the following statement in response to former DNC Communications Director and current American Bridge President’s attack on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie:”We understand that Democrats are getting desperate after the recent revelations about their presumptive nominee and need to create a distraction. But in no circumstance is it acceptable to say about a sitting governor that you ‘want to kill him dead.’ A line has been crossed, and Brad Woodhouse should apologize. That Democrats would use this sort of unacceptable rhetoric only underscores that they are flailing.”

Just wondering out loud here… Do Woodhouse’s remarks count as a death threat?

Woodhouse’s response was equally classless using the acronmym LMFAO (Laugh My F–king Ass Off):

Featured image is a screen cap from National Journal.

Tags: Chris Christie, Democrats