Marco Rubio in Epic Defense of Israel

Senator Marco Rubio gave one of the best speeches of his career yesterday when he took to the floor in defense of Israel while calling out its critics, including President Obama.

Alyssa Canobbio of the Washington Free Beacon reported:

Rubio Delivers Blistering Speech on Obama’s Assault on IsraelIt has taken two days for Obama to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and congratulate him on his reelection. Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have taken part in very sensitive talks with Iran about its nuclear program.Rubio began speaking on how Obama has always been among the first to call controversial leaders and congratulate them on winning their elections but has remained silent when it came to congratulating on the United States’ biggest ally in the Middle East. Rubio continued, making multiple points that the Obama administration has not stood with Israel.

Rubio cites a litany of examples of the unfair treatment of Israel by the Obama administration and its regional enemies such as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. This video is 15 minutes long and well worth your time.

Jon Gabriel of Ricochet was clearly impressed by Rubio’s speech as well:

Rubio Speech Drops Hammer on Anti-Israel PresidentIf Marco Rubio keeps talking like this, he’ll be the GOP front runner before we know it.Two days after Benjamin Netanyahu’s big victory in Israel, one day after Obama’s peevish reaction, and on the same day the White House stated that they foresee “terrible days” for Israel ahead, Rubio spoke up. In 15 minutes, Florida’s junior senator vivisects Obama’s Israel policy before dispatching it once and for all into the depths of hell.

Rubio should be commended, it was a speech for the ages.

Tags: Barack Obama, Israel, Marco Rubio