HEARTBREAK: Barack Obama No Longer Cooler than the Rest of Us

The cult culture surrounding our president gets so weird that sometimes I don’t even get it.

Just when we thought we’d finally gotten used to the idea that Barack Obama is about 100 levels cooler than anyone else on the planet, we find out that he is not, in fact, just a phone call away from good times with A-list celebrities and cultural icons like Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, and Jay-Z.

In this past week’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Obama put to rest rumors that he hits up Kanye West’s home phone (no one has those anymore, Kanye) on the regular for Very Important Discussions© about…whatever it is that the President of the United States would talk about with Kanye West.

From CNN:

In a characteristic brag, West recently said during a lecture at Oxford University that he can “call Obama out of the blue,” adding that “Obama calls the home phone.” The president was complimentary toward the Chicago rapper — who he’s previously called a “jackass” — but said he doubted that was true.”Look, I love his music, he’s incredibly creative, but I don’t think I have his home number,” he told Kimmel.

TMZ has video of Kanye defending his honor against shared nemesis Rush Limbaugh, who recently said that, had Kanye rapped the lyrics to the now-infamous racist SAE fraternity chant, it would have become a chart-topping hit:

Kanye West
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Obama also took the time to throw water on rumors that he spends all of his time texting with Jay Z:

“Yeah, I’ve spoken to him on the phone and had texts from Obama, of course,” the hip-hop legend and business mogul said on a radio show in 2013. Jay Z also rapped in 2009 that he has Obama “on the text.”But Obama undercut Jay Z’s brag on Thursday night when he told Kimmel that he doesn’t text or use a smartphone.”I don’t text. I email. I still have a Blackberry,” he told Kimmel, while discussing his tech habits. Obama said that for security reasons, he can’t use a phone or any of “that new fangled stuff” that includes any sort of recording device. The conversation came in the wake of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email account.

Moral of the story? Hillary Clinton’s e-mails have ruined literally every aspect of the Obama-rap star mythos we’ve held so dear.

Tags: Barack Obama, Culture