Megyn Kelly on Melissa Harris-Perry: What a Quack! (VIDEO)

Remember that one time when a professional journalist called the United States Attorney General a duck, and then asked him to quack?

In public?

While the camera was rolling?

There are no more words. Just watch:


I think this is the kind of thing most people expected from Obama’s sit-down interviews with “YouTube Stars.” Instead, we’re getting this weirdness from the woman Slate dubbed “MSNBC’s Scholar-in-Residence”:

At Princeton, they may have felt that Harris-Perry was lowering the bar, but no one would accuse her of dumbing down TV. MSNBC has positioned itself as the left alternative to FOX News, and MSNBC President Phil Griffin has said publicly that he wants to focus on a niche audience that “thrives on being smart.” Like fellow MSNBC-er Chris Hayes, who calls himself the Harry Potter to Harris-Perry’s Hermione, Harris-Perry fits into that mold. Although she’s always charismatic and lively, she can often come across more like a documentary narrator than a journalist.

I’ll just leave that on the table. We can bring it up the next time she walks into the studio with tampons through her ears.

As ridiculous as this woman is, I don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon.

The academic set still thinks of her as a force to be reckoned with; she’ll be speaking at Cornell University’s Martin Luther King Jr., Commemorative Lecture later this month on “the continuing consequences of inequality.”

Hopefully she’ll leave the tampons at home.

At the end of the day, I’m with Megyn on this one: “Brian Williams may make up things, but I’d take him any day over Melissa Harris-Perry interviewing the Attorney General.”

Here, here. Can we have GloZell back?

h/t Chicks on the Right

Tags: Megyn Kelly, Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC