Indonesia | Virginity Tests | Human Rights | Southeast Asia
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Indonesia considering banning non-virgin girls from graduating high school

Indonesia considering banning non-virgin girls from graduating high school

Damn the human rights violations—it’s full speed ahead!

While American “feminists” prattle on about “Manterruptions” and other trivial nonsense, lawmakers in East Java (the island that houses Indonesia’s capitol, Jakarta) are considering imposing virginity tests on school girls.

Jember’s City Council wants to institute virginity tests as a prerequisite for high school graduation. Test would be administered only to girls.

According to the Jakarta Globe:

“What surprises us the most is they have had sex several times and with different partners,” Habib Isa Mahdi, a lawmaker from the People’s Conscience Party (Hanura), told on Friday. “Moreover, the Ministry of Social Affairs said that Indonesia is in an emergency situation against pornography — that’s what drives us to make such regulation.”

The idea was first debated during a meeting between the city council’s Commission D and the Jember Education Agency on Wednesday. The council is drafting a regulation on “good conduct,” which includes an article installing a virginity test as a requirement for female students’ graduation.

The city council argued the regulation was necessary because many secondary and high school students were engaging in pre-marital sexual activities. Isa claimed that based on the data gathered from local hospitals, around 10 percent of Jember’s approximately 1,200 HIV/AIDS patients were students. The Jakarta Globe could not immediately verify Isa’s claims.

“For the children” — the leftist control-centric mantra that’s now gone global.

“There’s a need to protect our children,” he said. “Jember has to be brave to act to save them.”

The Jember Chapter of Nadhlatul Ulama (NU), the second-largest Muslim organization in Indonesia, opposed the proposal.

“Virginity is very sensitive. If a female student cannot meet the requirement, she’ll be the subject of gossip in the society,” Jember’s policy chief for NU, MN Harisuddin, told the organization’s official website on Thursday. “Say the bill is passed, the test would be simple to conduct, but why is it only done for the female students? How about the boys?”

Mufti Ali, a lawmaker from National Awakening Party (PKB), told East Java news portal this week that he wanted to expand the proposal beyond Jember to become a provincial law.

“If they’re not virgins anymore, don’t let them pass,” he said. “It may sound like a joke, but it’s serious. It’s for the sake of the future.

But what about the boys?

“We can’t test the boys,” he told the East Java news portal. “But at least with the regulation, girls will be afraid [to have pre-marital sex]. The boys will be prevented from the act because girls will become unwilling. This will scare them, that if they [have sex], they will not graduate.”

And proving that he has an answer to everything to defend the proposal, Mufti says that victims of rape undergoing the test have nothing to worry about.

“The medical team will be able to tell [if they have been the victim of a sexual assault],” he said.

The Jakarta Post wrote a scathing article imploring newly elected President Joko Widodo to speak out against the inhumane practice of virginity-tests, pointing out that the WHO maintains virginity tests “have no scientific validity.”

Phelim Kine, Human Rights Watch deputy Asia director said in a press release, “The Indonesian government can’t feign ignorance about the abusive nature of such ‘tests’. They have been recognized internationally as violations of the right to non-discrimination and the prohibition against ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment’ under international human rights treaties Indonesia has ratified.”

Indonesia’s long-standing affair with virginity tests made international headlines late last year when reports surfaced that the humiliating tests were mandatory for female police officers.

Egypt outlawed virginity tests during the Arab Spring after female protesters were subjected to tests while protesting the government.

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“But at least with the regulation, girls will be afraid [to have pre-marital sex].”

Not so much. It MAY discourage pre-GRADUATION coitus. It SURE won’t prevent SEX.

But the graduation parties would be really something…

The ones who need to finish school the most, are going to be deprived.

There are better ways to discourage them. Teach them about stretch marks and the melted wax effect, not to mention sleep deprivation.

My son is a high school senior, and he had to carry a raw egg around for TWO WEEKS! The idea was to give the kids a taste of parenthood. One of his classmates told me that a study had found this kind of exercise actually cuts pregnancy rates in high schools.

Indonesia is struggling with an acute infection of Islamic extremism. My personal opinion is that they would do better to hold public executions for jihadi’s and a few of their Imam’s – outlawing their literature. I doubt this will happen though.

The whole of SE Asia is infected with Islam at some level, much to their dismay. Most recall the Bali bombings of 12 years ago. Those were only a small skirmish in a much larger conflict.

Gloria, are you there?

“Paging Gloria Steinem, paging Gloria Steinem”

“Gloria Steinem. please pick up the red house phone near the elevators.”

“Any other representatives of NOW attending their 42nd Annual “Fight Back Against the War on Women” convention, there’s a message for you from Mohammed over at the Concierge’s Desk.”

“Indonesia Considers…”

Indonesia is a nation of 250 million people. It is one city council, with a little over 1/10th the population of Florida, which is considering this, not the nation itself.

A headline like this is akin to looking at Chicago’s handgun ban and writing “America Bans Handguns”, or looking at the demographics of Utah and declaring that all Americans believe in Joseph Smith.

Indonesia is actually the most democratic, moderate Muslim-majority nation out there. The fact that it’s the main Jakarta newspaper which is calling this proposal out as “bizarre” and “breathtakingly misogynistic” should not be underestimated. Credit where it’s due.

Well, this story dovetails nicely with the “How a vacuum cleaner ad created a diplomatic crisis” story earlier.

Perhaps a consolidation of them is in order.

What about the non-virgin boys, it takes two people to make a non-virgin.

I could back this idea with two provisos. First, it must apply to male as well as female students. Second, it must apply to elected and appointed government officials in Indonesia.

Whats interesting is that Reza Aslan used Indonesia as an example of a moderate Muslim state with full equality between the sexes.