How Does a Community Organizer Fight Terrorism?
With a new logo, of course.

Now that the White House has concluded its summit on violent extremism, the State Department is soliciting the public for ideas on how to combat extremism.
Via The Right Scoop:
We want your input. Share solutions you think are critical to countering violent extremism.
— Department of State (@StateDept) February 20, 2015
This is what national security looks like when a community organizer is in charge.
Jon Gabriel recently addressed this issue at Ricochet:
Obama Deploys New Logo to Defeat ISIS
Chafing under criticism that they aren’t taking the threat from ISIS seriously, the State Department has launched an initiative to bring the barbarian terrorists to heel. Foregoing crude tactics like the threat of force or aggressive diplomacy, the Obama Administration has returned to what it knows best. They have created a logo:
This doesn’t offend me as an American; it offends me as a graphic designer. That is a rough-looking pile of clip art. But if the seven fonts and eight colors prove insufficient to scare away the jihadists, State also has a blog post outlining their strategy to
defeat Islamist terrorsolve violent extremism.
In the words of my colleague Amy Miller:
That thing literally looks like something that would be in the Girl Scout hand book. We’re so screwed.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Oh yeah, this Administration is taking the existential threat to the existence of human-kind seriously!
We already have the necessary logo,
Left out “exterminate”.
“Violent extremism” doesn’t mean ISIS or any of the other “Allahu akbar” types.
Coming from this crowd, it means Republicans, Christians, the Tea Party, the NRA, and Fox News.
This. Once you get that, the rest makes sense. Community Outreach means getting people to tattle on their neighbors for thought crimes.
Looking at this crap, you seriously have to wonder if the State Department is just trolling us now.
No Rags. They’re really that dumb.
Rags, it would be a relief if they were, wouldn’t it?
I sincerely think they actually believe they are accomplishing something with this swill. From hash-tags, to ‘jobs’, to “NO! They are NOT Islamic!!!”, to this…
They REALLY believe that this is the plan that will work and they will not be swayed from their faith.
While I fully credit their delusional world-view, I also think that a great deal of this bilge is driven by crass, cynical political calculation.
Matter of fact, it is hard to delineate where one terrible motive ends and the other begins. It is, though, a living nightmare for those of us who live in Realityville and can see causes leading to effects.
State has been trolling us since Hillary Clinton put her hand on the Bible in 2008.
and she’s still got scares from the burns!
A little less than two years to go.
We’ll never make it.
Hell no, we’ll make it yet it shall be tough to do, rough at best, extremely close call at the plate, our souls shall bruise mightily, and our hearts shall burst nearly to the breaking point.
We shall in the end, have to pick up the pieces and make “them” understand there shall be peace in the land at all costs; “their” choice as to what their cost shall be!
The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” shows us the way, if that’s what “they” wish to foist onto US!
Yet, we shall survive as the US, God willing!
Why of course, this seems like a natural extension of the immensely effective #hashtag campaign waged by our State Department last summer. Remember this lunacy?
How embarrassing.
Are these fools really in charge? At this point I’m shocked whenever I see an Obama bumper sticker or t-shirt. How could anyone be enough of an idiot to admit voting for this douche-bag and his clown posse?
The other day while shopping for groceries at my local “superstore,” I saw a gentleman of the highly-pigmented skin persuasion wearing a knit cap that had “Obama” embroidered on it.
Talk about “what not to wear” 🙂 It’s cringeworthy to normal people, but unfortunately it didn’t seem to faze him.
Is that Kumbaya I hear?
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
O NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
O IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
O Holder, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
O axe man, kum bay ya
The end.
Is that Kumbaya I hear?
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s online, NSA, kum bay ya
O NSA, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s in the Tea Party, IRS, kum bay ya
O IRS, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
Someone’s white, Eric Holder, kum bay ya
O Holder, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
Someone said “Islamic terrorist”, PC axe man, kum bay ya
O axe man, kum bay ya
OK, show of hands…
Who’s going to “engage” or “mentor” a budding jihadii WITHOUT wearing your Kevlar turtleneck?
Turtleneck? Not to brag, but I’ll be wearing mine upside down.
I can engage REALLY fast with the iron sights on my M1A. Does that count?
The Harf and Neville Obama call for education and job programs to address terrorism and look what happens:
“Top Muslim cleric urges education reform to curb extremism”
This is awesome! All that needs to happen is that all the other Muslim clerics need to call for the same, they need to succeed across the board, they need to avoid having their heads removed, and then they need to reeducate at least two or three world generations of Muslim, and then – Oh, Glorious Then! – then we’ll see some abatement of Islamic-but-not Terrorism. By the 2060s 0r 2070s President Neville’s policy will have prevailed! Joy!
Perhaps now is the appropriate time to share with them two successful winners; “Common Core” and Obama’s “Shovel Ready Jobs” programs.
Henry, it’s just another excuse for them to fund terrorists with our tax dollars!
I went to the tweet to read the responses and I can’t stop laughing. More evidence that conservatives really do own twitter.
Obama Deploys New Logo to Defeat ISIS
From my time in the private sector, you can always tell when your leadership has “gone South” when they try to change the company logo.
I strongly suggest new leadership. I’m serious.
Or the company name, or the name of their main product.
“Global Warning” for you Boston????
Basically, Obama is saying that if you have cockroaches, you fight them with prevention by cleaning up the kitchen to remove their reason for being there, not by killing them.
Those of us living in Real Town know you do both – unless it’s not your kitchen. Then you just kill the cockroaches.
And if you have a kitchen that is currently devoid of cockroaches, the LAST thing you want to do is import cockroaches.
Not to worry. Their plans are entirely disingenuous. This is a combination pander to the liberal base and distraction from the crisis at hand.
…especially when the cockroaches turn the Black Flag on us.
lol, nice.
Why, each precious bracket is like a little hug.
I am surprised that the environment and global warming are not part of mankind’s violent extremism that we must chat about while sitting around our community campfire. Maybe they are saving that for next week’s INGSOC logo.
Is that Kumbaya I hear? Or, wait…
“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.”
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
“Big Brother is Watching You.”
The solution begins by verifying that you have enough loaded magazines available, that York safety is off, and that you have a good sight picture. It does not begin with a cocamamy logo!
From the stupidity of the Obama administration, Lord, deliver us ~
“Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.” – Friedrich Schiller
This seems so familiar. Didn’t ISIS have their followers tweet on how they should kill the Jordanian pilot? so the administration is getting it’s from terrorists?