Eric Holder: Justice Dept Not Politicized

The Senate confirmation hearings for Loretta Lynch have been in the news for over a week and for good reason. As Eric Holder prepares to exit the Department of Justice, many people want to be sure America doesn’t end up with another Eric Holder.

Lynch has many positive qualities but as Professor Jacobson recently pointed out, not being Eric Holder is not enough.

Yesterday, Holder held a press conference in which he insisted that he hasn’t politicized the Department of Justice.

Josh Feldman of Mediaite reported:

Holder Fires Back at GOP: ‘There’s Been No Politicization of This Justice Department’Last week the Senate held confirmation hearings for Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch, but a lot of the questions from Republicans centered around the current occupant of that office, with one even going so far as to ask Lynch if she is Eric Holder.Today, Holder himself held a news conference in which he started out by saying, “For the record, I am Eric Holder.”From there, the attorney general went after Republican critics in possibly one of the last (if not the last) press conferences of his tenure leading the DOJ. He said it’s “a little irresponsible for people on the hill to say that policy differences that we have with them… can be characterized as political.”Holder insisted that “there’s been no politicization of this Justice Department” and said such an accusation is “totally inconsistent with the facts.”

Here’s a video of Holder’s statement:

World News Videos | ABC World News

It’s good to know Mr. Holder thinks so highly of his stewardship of American Justice.

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University begs to differ:

At the Attorney General Nomination Hearing for Loretta Lynch, George Washington University Law School professor and nationally recognized legal scholar Jonathan Turley, scathingly rebuked actions taken by President Obama and current Attorney General Eric Holder, saying that the “Justice Department is at the epicenter of a constitutional crisis.”

History will remember Holder’s time at DOJ quite differently than Eric Holder.

Featured image via ABC News video.

Tags: DOJ, Eric Holder, Jonathan Turley